New to the community? Introduce yourself here...

Google Community Manager
Google Community Manager

Hello everyone,

My name is Lizzie and I am the Community Manager here in the Android Enterprise Customer Community. You are probably all use to having the roundtable introductions in meetings and sharing a fun fact about yourself. If you are like me, you then spend the next 30 seconds trawling through your brain to find an interesting fact to share with a group of people...the good news is you are not on the spot here! 😀 

This aside, it's really nice in a community to get know others and so it would be fantastic to hear from you!

I'll kick us off:

  • I've been working in community for over 10 year across a few different industries. 
  • I'm a big fan of music and I play a couple of instruments: so my 'office' playlist is quite an array of tunes
  • I live on an island (it's quite a big one): so when I go to the Google office, I actually have to take a ferry, which sounds quite exotic! 

Please share a few facts about yourself, (here are a couple of ideas):

  • What type of industry do you work in?
  • Which country you are based in?
  • Hobbies or interests?
  • Favourite / couldn't live with out piece of tech?

Looking forward to speaking with you. 




Welcome to the Community everyone!

Have a question or want to start a conversation, click here.


Level 4.0: Ice Cream Sandwich

Well hi there Lizzie! 

I'm Jason, and I've been in the Enterprise Mobility ecosystem for almost a decade, but dabbling with Android for far longer in a personal/hobbyist capacity. Long before I was locking hardware down to specific use cases, I was flashing and rooting to achieve them instead 🙂

I come from an IT support background so have always enjoyed getting into the weeds of things. 

At the moment I: 

  • Work building Android Enterprise products and services
  • Live and work from 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 Wales
  • also play Music (most of the lower brass family), but really enjoy cycling
  • I'd struggle to answer the favourite tech, lots of it is useful in daily life - phones, tablets, other computing devices for single or multi-purpose. Rather than current fav, I think I'm most looking forward to proper AR; not so much the snorkeling goggles Apple have come out with, but equally not as minimalist as the Google Glass form factor. Proper AR glasses will be a game-changer for me.

For future replies, I'd also like to know - 

  • What's your favourite or most transformative Android Enterprise feature in the past few years? Work profile won't be accepted as that's an obvious one 😉 

Google Community Manager
Google Community Manager

Welcome, welcome, welcome @jasonbayton. Congratulations on being the first person (outside of me) to post in the Customer Community. Great to have you here. 

Great to hear you are a fellow musician, I feel all we now is a string section and some percussion and we are one step away from an Android Enterprise Community Orchestra! 😀 🎵

Interesting to hear your comments on AR glasses. I'm closely following this as well. From a VR point of view I'm trying out the Quest 2 at the moment for some game playing, I'm getting pretty good at crazy golf now. But more seriously I'm intrigued to see where it goes and the different angles companies take on it (especially with my community hat on whether companies will go more down the route of a collective activity or more of a solo/extension of what we have now).  Have you tested much AR/VR so far?

I like your additional question, interested to hear what yours is?

Welcome to the Community everyone!

Have a question or want to start a conversation, click here.

Level 4.0: Ice Cream Sandwich

Definitely haven't spent too much time with the tech yet, I want to see the headsets done right first. 

I got to use Google Glass some years ago for a few months and quite enjoyed it, but honestly it was the face equivalent of what WearOS is today. 

I'm not overly interested in doing the Facebook branded stuff, and don't want to have to deal with vendor lock-in/unique ecosystems to start ground-up again, so very happy to wait for something sleek and Android powered to jump in 🙂

My transformative feature of the last few years would be ephemeral/multi-user support natively. If only vendors would support it.

Saya abdullrajab dari Indonesia salam kenal,,saya tidak bekerja masih sebagai pengangguran

Level 1.6: Donut

Hello everyone,

My name is Melkon Torosyan and I have been working at SBB (Swiss Federal Railways) as an ICT Architect in our Mobile Workplace Team for 11 years now. Before that, I worked for an IT service provider for 16 years and had been involved with mobile devices since the launch of the US Robotics PalmPilot.

We started very early at SBB with Android Enterprise and made the first attempts with Lollipop. When the technology was mature, we decided on it pretty quickly.

Our team is currently working on the following topics:

- Evaluation of new Android devices for train drivers and customer attendants
- Switch from company-owned device with a work profile to fully managed device for the users mentioned above
- Native printing from Android devices with Ricoh myPrint app

In my free time, I enjoy doing sports (running, mountain biking, swimming) and I have a passion for football.

Here are a few basic details about me.

Kind regards


Level 1.6: Donut

Hi Community!

My name is Travis Reeves and I work at Amedisys, supporting Home Health and Hospice clinicians. Our clinicians use Android Enterprise Fully Managed tablets to document their visits in the patient's home. I started supporting the tablets for 2 years, and have been the Intune MDM Administrator for the past 4 years. 

Our team is currently trying to find a better device enrollment process for our users, since they are largely not very tech savvy. We like using the Android Enterprise Fully Managed devices, but would love an easier and quicker way to get the device fully set up. 

I'm not sure if I can keep up with all you exercisers, lol. In my free time I mostly spend it indoors watching TV Shows, movies, or playing video games. I'm also a huge American Football fan, and watch some other sports when football isnt on, lol. 

For tech, I'm most interested in learning more about AI and how we can leverage it in different ways. I feel like we're still just scratching the surface on its potential. 

Google Community Manager
Google Community Manager

Hello @travisreeves,

Great to see your introduction here, it's really interesting read, thanks for sharing.

I like your hobbies, any recommendations on TV shows/movies, I feel like I've started to rewatch things! Which team do you support with American Football? I follow the Eagles a little bit, but it's NBA that i'm more keen on. As it's the start of the F1 in Austria today, I wondered if are you are much of a fan?

Looking forward to speaking more. 


P.S - hope you don't mind I moved your duplicate post here. 🙂

Welcome to the Community everyone!

Have a question or want to start a conversation, click here.

Level 1.6: Donut

Hi all!

I'm Kristen one of your friendly neighborhood Made By Google Product Experts from the US. I volunteer with Fitbit as well since 2016 and added Google once Fitbit was acquired by Google. I've been a Product Expert since 2021.

I love music and have been singing since I was 3 years old. I love musical theater and performed in theater through college. Now I play my Ukulele where I get to play for the city.

Although I'm US based, I love to cruise and I'm about to embark on my 31st cruise.

Favorite piece of tech now is my Pixel Watch although I also have a Pixel phone that I'm typing this on, a convertible laptop, a regular laptop, and a Kindle tablet.

I'm an Activity Director for a local retirement community.

Level 4.0: Ice Cream Sandwich

That has to be the most wholesome job title I've seen in ages 🙂 

Google Community Manager
Google Community Manager

I have to agree with @jasonbayton it's a pretty good title! 🌟

So great to see you have made it across to the customer community @Kristen and thanks for the introduction. I can't believe you are going on your 31st cruise, surely at this point you should get a boat named after you? 😀 I hope you have a lovely time. 

If you spot anything interesting or a nice view to make us all dream we are on our holidays whilst on your travels, feel free to share it here in our community off-topic area. 

Great to hear about your favourite tech. I'm intrigued to see where smart watches will go in the future, it feels like in many ways we are just scratching the surface at the moment.  

Welcome to the Community everyone!

Have a question or want to start a conversation, click here.

Level 1.6: Donut

Just finished cruise number 31, so I'm going through all my pictures now!

Level 4.0: Ice Cream Sandwich

Hi all,

I'm Rafael Schäfer currently working @ JYSK and mainly responsible for our entire mobile (Android) devices to be managed over all countries for now ~4 years via Zero-Touch + MDM. And we have only a very small team handling this for all those countries but works fine.

I'm from Germany so hopefully my English is well enough to help here as well but in general i think so 😉
Even I haven't learned in a jab in the IT, i have somehow slipped in because of personal interests and was working in a certified service center for repairing and troubleshooting mobile devices from several manufacturers (Samsung, Sony, Motorola/Lenovo, CAT).

During private time i love gaming (Diablo 4) and spend time with my family. I'm also always the one to be asked regarding technical issues for parts of my family (except Apple :P) so i do some kind of "private PC and Android support".

So i hope to be able to help here with knowledge gathered from experience mainly and a bit from the Android Professional Certification.

Level 2.0: Eclair

Hello, my name is Michael, but I also go by Mike (everyone always asks what I prefer). I work within the corporate IT branch at Medtronic, primarily managing the technology stacks for all things MDM and MAM related, along with various other responsibilities that have fallen under the technologist role in recent times. I am based out of the US, and I have been "messing" around with Android since about 2011, when I got my first smartphone.

My hobbies and interest are pretty varied, but some of them fall in line with my daily work. I love technology in general, and I do a lot of self-hosting and testing in my own home lab. I have a Proxmox server running on some recent AMD hardware that powers a number of VMs that control my home network, VPN services, VLANs, NAS, Home Automation, and more. I am also an avid gamer, motorcyclist, car enthusiast, gym goer, and of course, a bar hobbyist with a home-built bar and many books on making the perfect cocktails.

Hard to pick only one piece of tech I couldn't live without, so I will narrow it down to 2. The Steam Deck has made being able to take gaming on the go so much more convenient, and I can't see myself without it these days and, of course, any number of my earbuds/headphones. I am a bit of an audiophile + techy, so I am constantly hunting for the best-sounding and featured earbuds/headsets available.

I have been working with Android Enterprise since the very beginning going back to 2017/2018 before it fully launched and hope I can both learn and bring my own experiences to this community moving forward.

Level 4.0: Ice Cream Sandwich


We share a bunch of interests 😀

My Steam Deck has been gathering dust but I'm determined to get back into playing at some point.

Look forward to seeing your contributions mate!

Don't let it sit, I'd say mess about with it and find some new interesting things to do on it. It is a just a PC after all.

Level 1.5: Cupcake

I am a driver, I love listening to music and driving. I definitely need my phone for directions and listen to my favorite songs on it too. 


I love to learn, am annoyingly curious, which is probably how I ended up here! 

Google Community Manager
Google Community Manager

Hello @W25,


Great to see your reply here and that you love listening to music on your phone whilst driving. Have you got a go-to playlist or artist that you like to listen to? 


I was actually thinking the other day it would be great to have a community playlist. 😀

Welcome to the Community everyone!

Have a question or want to start a conversation, click here.

Level 2.2: Froyo

Hi! My name is Matt Dermody and I'm the Director of Engineering for an Enterprise Mobility team within a warehouse management and supply chain software company. The hardware that I support for our end customers that run our supply chain software is almost exclusively fully managed Android devices today, but  it hasn't always been that way. Prior to Android most of the equipment ran some variation of Windows Mobile or CE for many generations of device, across 15+ years. The Android journey for the warehouse space was a bit delayed relative to other industries but really took off around 2015-2016 when the biggest rugged player in the space, Zebra (previously Motorola/Symbol), made a big bet on Android. Android ushered in a new era of more touch screen centric software design and along with it a more active strategy around device management. There was historically a mindset of building "golden images" and "set it and forget it" and "security through obscurity" that surrounded the world of rugged WinCE devices that has all been upended in our industry transition to Android. I have been at the forefront of that transition, rewriting many of the mobile business applications to run on Android and adapting the UX accordingly. Along the way I also had to get sharp at managing the Android devices and the mobile applications that run on them and have spent the past 8-9 years staying plugged into the world of Android in order to stay informed on how to keep my apps updated and my device management skills fresh. 


Due to the nature of the environments I support I am extremely plugged into the fully managed, dedicated device space that is typically characterized by shared usage of mission critical devices. I almost know nothing about BYOD use cases and Work Profiles, nor do I necessarily care as they are not my area of specialization. I honestly would have preferred to have stuck with DA and begrudgingly moved over to DO under the Android Enterprise umbrella around the A8 timeframe. A8 was a little early relative to the deprecation cycle but I was glad to rip the bandaid off early and commit my customers to AEDO long before we were forced to. 


Favorite piece of tech that I couldn't live without? Ironically it would have to be my iPhone. I sell and manage Android devices for a living and have done so for close to 10 years now, but I would never use one myself. Weird? I dunno. I simultaneously would never recommend anyone under any circumstance try to run a warehouse with an iOS device so its more a matter of hardware specialization for me. I've been an iPhone user since the 3G came out and prior to that used HTC Windows Mobile smart phones so I've only ever had smart phones my whole life. I've also ironically never owned an Android phone and don't have any interest for my personal life. AFW not AFL, right??


Beyond that, I'm based in Colorado and I love to snowboard and do other outdoor activities on the weekend like rock climbing, hiking, camping, SUPing, etc. I'm also into electronic music and house and travel relatively frequently to see shows. I DJ a little on the side for fun, but don't have any professional aspirations there. 

Level 2.2: Froyo

Hi there!


My name is Alex and I am an EMM admin at the City of Munich.
The city of Munich currently has around 1,6 million citizens, whose needs are taken care of by around 43,000 employees.
I have been working for the City of Munich in the field of mobile devices for a bit more than 10 years. At that time, we primarily had Symbian devices (Nokia), but also our first Android tablets and smartphones (~ Android 4.0). Together with a colleague, we operate an on-prem EMM and regularly adapt the technical solutions to the requirements and technical changes. 😃
Before I started working for the City of Munich, I worked for providers. Due to the boom in smartphones in particular, providers had to build and upgrade additional sites to handle the increased network traffic. In Bavaria, I spent a few years setting up base stations for UMTS and LTE and later worked as a construction manager for radio relay systems. But I preferred a "real" IT job in the long run. 😀


Apart from work:

  • I live in Freising, near Munich airport 🚩
  • I really enjoy hiking. Sport is also a must! (a training session at the gym at noon on home office days is great) 🌄
  • I like playing board games (tip: Wingspan!) 🎲
  • Since I grew up with a Sega Mega Drive and SNES, I still enjoy playing computer games today 🕹
  • Can't play any instruments, but likes to go to concerts 🎶
  • I like to travel. Rather rarely, but to special places (Feel free to check out my YouTube video about a trip to the wildlife of Uganda)


Favourite piece of tech? Well, that would probably be smartphones. I use more suitable devices for special tasks (photos, for work), but the smartphone is simply the all-rounder in my pocket.

Level 1.5: Cupcake

Hi Lizzie, I believe I have finally got on the site as myself… cross your fingers all. I’m a paralegal of 20 years who has been working ( sh as lol we call it that) with apple regarding their privacy policy and how they cannot get me out of an organization I’d of an unknown company I don’t belong to… I’m from Costa Rica, speak Spanish, yet American 109%. If any one has any ways to wish me luck more than I have had.. thx - Chloe 

Level 1.5: Cupcake

@Lizzie wrote:

Hello everyone,

My name is Lizzie and I am the Community Manager here in the Android Enterprise Customer Community. You are probably all use to having the roundtable introductions in meetings and sharing a fun fact about yourself. If you are like me, you then spend the next 30 seconds trawling through your brain to find an interesting fact to share with a group of people...the good news is you are not on the spot here! 😀 

This aside, it's really nice in a community to get know others and so it would be fantastic to hear from you!

I'll kick us off:

  • I've been working in community for over 10 year across a few different industries. 
  • I'm a big fan of music and I play a couple of instruments: so my 'office' playlist is quite an array of tunes
  • I live on an island (it's quite a big one): so when I go to the Google office, I actually have to take a ferry, which sounds quite exotic! 

Please share a few facts about yourself, (here are a couple of ideas):

  • What type of industry do you work in?
  • Which country you are based in?
  • Hobbies or interests?
  • Favourite / couldn't live with out piece of tech?

Looking forward to speaking with you. 




My name is WhiteChocolate1 and I am eager to learn my role here as an employee in the community 

I work as an independent contractor for a home cleaning and pest control company and I live in the US but my work is based in India. I couldn't go without YouTube Music it's my Go To and my hobbies are playing games and listening to music.


Level 2.0: Eclair

Hello all,


Quick introduction as I am new here, my name is Ben and I am a developer/consultant based in the UK mainly working on Android apps and backend cloud architecture. Thought I would come and stick my nose in here as I am also Product Expert for Google Play Developers and on occasion there is some crossover with this community so more than happy to come and create chaos here also!


In my spare time I like getting out into nature and pretend to be some sort of Ray Mears as well as setting down with a good video game! Best tech has to be the smart phone. I just love that I can be walking down the street, or sat by a lake and respond to clients with almost the same efficiency as if I were sat at my desk!


I look forward to participating and getting to know you all.


Level 4.0: Ice Cream Sandwich

Yeah have seen some requests also for developers here (in general) so always good to have someone here with some knowledge on that in general.
