New to the community? Introduce yourself here...

Google Community Manager
Google Community Manager

Hello everyone,

My name is Lizzie and I am the Community Manager here in the Android Enterprise Customer Community. You are probably all use to having the roundtable introductions in meetings and sharing a fun fact about yourself. If you are like me, you then spend the next 30 seconds trawling through your brain to find an interesting fact to share with a group of people...the good news is you are not on the spot here! 😀 

This aside, it's really nice in a community to get know others and so it would be fantastic to hear from you!

I'll kick us off:

  • I've been working in community for over 10 year across a few different industries. 
  • I'm a big fan of music and I play a couple of instruments: so my 'office' playlist is quite an array of tunes
  • I live on an island (it's quite a big one): so when I go to the Google office, I actually have to take a ferry, which sounds quite exotic! 

Please share a few facts about yourself, (here are a couple of ideas):

  • What type of industry do you work in?
  • Which country you are based in?
  • Hobbies or interests?
  • Favourite / couldn't live with out piece of tech?

Looking forward to speaking with you. 




Welcome to the Community everyone!

Have a question or want to start a conversation, click here.


Level 4.0: Ice Cream Sandwich

Where abouts are you based Ben?

Google Community Manager
Google Community Manager

Welcome, welcome @BenMcc - great to see your introduction and to hear a little more about your interests. A few members here have mentioned they are fans of video games - are you playing anything at the moment? 


Also regarding your 'best tech' the smartphone, this takes me back to a conversation we had late last year around what was your first mobile phone - it's was interesting to see how many people started out with the same Nokia phone (I was a big fan of Snake). 😀

Welcome to the Community everyone!

Have a question or want to start a conversation, click here.

Level 1.6: Donut

Thanks for the welcome @Lizzie , Ahh now snake is an all time classic sometimes the simple games are the best (and the hardest to beat)!


At the moment when I have time I am a little hooked on an early access game "Satisfactory" I could spend hours messing about in that if the real world didn't keep getting in the way!!