New to the community? Introduce yourself here...

Google Community Manager
Google Community Manager

Hello everyone,

My name is Lizzie and I am the Community Manager here in the Android Enterprise Customer Community. You are probably all use to having the roundtable introductions in meetings and sharing a fun fact about yourself. If you are like me, you then spend the next 30 seconds trawling through your brain to find an interesting fact to share with a group of people...the good news is you are not on the spot here! 😀 

This aside, it's really nice in a community to get know others and so it would be fantastic to hear from you!

I'll kick us off:

  • I've been working in community for over 10 year across a few different industries. 
  • I'm a big fan of music and I play a couple of instruments: so my 'office' playlist is quite an array of tunes
  • I live on an island (it's quite a big one): so when I go to the Google office, I actually have to take a ferry, which sounds quite exotic! 

Please share a few facts about yourself, (here are a couple of ideas):

  • What type of industry do you work in?
  • Which country you are based in?
  • Hobbies or interests?
  • Favourite / couldn't live with out piece of tech?

Looking forward to speaking with you. 




Welcome to the Community everyone!

Have a question or want to start a conversation, click here.


Level 4.0: Ice Cream Sandwich

Where abouts are you based Ben?

Google Community Manager
Google Community Manager

Welcome, welcome @BenMcc - great to see your introduction and to hear a little more about your interests. A few members here have mentioned they are fans of video games - are you playing anything at the moment? 


Also regarding your 'best tech' the smartphone, this takes me back to a conversation we had late last year around what was your first mobile phone - it's was interesting to see how many people started out with the same Nokia phone (I was a big fan of Snake). 😀

Welcome to the Community everyone!

Have a question or want to start a conversation, click here.

Level 2.0: Eclair

Thanks for the welcome @Lizzie , Ahh now snake is an all time classic sometimes the simple games are the best (and the hardest to beat)!


At the moment when I have time I am a little hooked on an early access game "Satisfactory" I could spend hours messing about in that if the real world didn't keep getting in the way!!

Level 1.5: Cupcake

My name is Renan, and I am testing the tool as an end user.

I like some features, but I have several others to suggest.
I am available if you're interested in hearing them.

Some examples are:

I start working at 7:30 A.M. and finish my shift at 5:28 P.M.
However, I usually have a 1 hour and 10-minute lunch break,
my lunch time varies… sometimes I go at 11:30 A.M.,
sometimes I go at 12:00 P.M.

Using the TASKER app, I have set up some automations to deactivate my work profile during my lunch break.
When I go for my 1 hour and 10-minute break, I take my phone, swipe down, and there’s an icon I click. When I click this icon that I created using the TASKER app, a countdown of 1 hour and 10 minutes starts, and at that moment, my work profile is deactivated. Once the time is up, the work profile is reactivated.

This is great so I am not disturbed during my lunch break.

At work, I use the camera a lot, so I really like to separate my personal album from my professional one.

I miss the ability to take screenshots in the work app and have them saved in the Google Photos folder of my work profile. However, every time I take a screenshot, it goes to the personal Google Photos album.

Google Community Manager
Google Community Manager

Hello @renan,


Welcome, welcome, welcome - great to meet you.


I love hearing how people use different Android tools and features, so it's fascinating to hear how you have set up this automation for your lunch break. Have you got any other automations like this set up on your device? Out of interest do you have the Work Profile running on your personal device or if this one that your company has provided you with? 


Thanks also for the feedback on the screenshots. Can I check what phone you are using and is it running Android 14? We had some similar conversations around screenshots and where they are saving in this topic, would you mind seeing if this matches the experiences shared there and adding your comments there please? 


Looking forward to speaking more. 😀



Welcome to the Community everyone!

Have a question or want to start a conversation, click here.