Forum Discussion
Android zero-touch customer portal
Hi Lizzie and thanks to the Google team for the improvements!
With this post I'm proposing some more enhancement to facilitate the life of Zero Touch IT admins 🤓
- Please consider to add to “Devices” section new fields: Serial Number, Manifacturer, Model and Submitted date (or Uploaded date): in this way an IT Admin can sort devices based on different inputs!
- please consider to insert filters and sorting buttons for all important fields in "Devices" section, E.G. Configuration, Submitted, Manifacturer, etc: in this way an IT Admin can sort and filter devices based on different input!
- please consider to add the possibility to access to a "Device upload" view where an IT Admin can see all the uploads made by their resellers and view witch devices were uploaded in each upload.
- please consider to give the possibility to easily do actions like “Apply configuration” or “Remove devices” by selecting a subset of devices, maybe pre-filtered (point 2), or maybe devices uploaded by a reseller in a specific date (point 3)
I really believe that with this improvements Zero Touch console will be highly improved and will make all ZT Admins's life a lot easier!!
- Lizzie6 months agoGoogle Community Manager
Hello Stefano,
This is amazing, thank you for taking the time to illustrate your ideas in so much detail. I just highlighted this to a member of our Zero-touch team and they were really excited to see this. I wanted to let you know that we've just created a feature request ticket for it.
I'd love to hear a little more about these enhancements if that's ok, are you currently having to do workarounds to get this information?
It would also be great to hear from others to see if these would be useful? jeoffreyburri, econocomintune, isaksen, Henrikcj, Moombas, Flo, SimonW, @Rakib, @Batlac, @CarusoCorn, @Nate-Dogg, @nbcomcasteve, @ljcobley,
- Moombas6 months agoLevel 4.1: Jelly Bean
Definitely as (if i remember correctly) already brought up (but definitely not all of theses things and without edited screenshots) during the test phase as feedbacks.
- Rakib6 months agoLevel 2.2: Froyo
I agree, everything filter and sorting is heavily missed.
There are also so many variable missing, is it only the reseller who can insert this information?And I know I have complained about this before. But the new customer view is unusable for us right now.
But I am grateful that Google are listening and working on making ZT a better product.
- Rakib6 months agoLevel 2.2: Froyo
Everything filters and sorting is heavily missed.
But is very empty on our ZT accounts, it values the reseller has to add?