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[Blog] 5 mobile management trends for financial organizations

Lizzie's avatar
Google Community Manager
2 years ago

Hello everyone, 


We've just shared a new Android Enterprise blog article and ebook regarding mobility for financial services. 


In a rapidly evolving industry, financial services organizations need to respond to more than just economic challenges and opportunities. IT and business leaders in banking, asset management, insurance and fintech face hurdles ranging from evolving workforce models with new customer and employee expectations, to the push and pull between strict regulations and a growing digital landscape.

Based on recent research, we’ve found five key trends that illustrate how modern mobile solutions, like Android Enterprise, can support the financial services industry in this ever-changing environment.


To find out more, please read our Android Enterprise blog article, here



You can also dive deeper into these learnings by downloading our new ebookFlexible. Powerful. Modern. The standard of mobility for financial services.And join our upcoming webinar to hear more about the value of modern mobility for the financial services industry’s unique needs and evolving demands.

Updated 2 years ago
Version 3.0
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    Level 1.5: Cupcake
    2 years ago

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