Hello, great topic, in case my feeling on this brings something, I also have requests from managers for shared device usage in their teams but today I refuse to put it in place due to the fact that we never know who has the device when we want to tell to update it at a convenient time (and not force it when people maybe use them for example). When people call the service desk, it is also easier to provide the user name than the serial number or whatever reference of the device. Using devices as personal, we can also make the login easier with biometrics or smartcard / smart tokens for example. In case of multi-users, I don't know if it is possible to unlock the device with a finger / face and knowing if it is the one of user1 or user2 to be able to open the right area. Up to now, in my case, I prefer to increase all the possibilities users can do with a smartphone so that he / she uses it for everything and thus, having a shared one is less important. I remember a meeting at my bank, the operator only get out the tablet to make me sign a document and then go back to the PC, funny example to me who uses Samsung DEX and my phone as unique device.
However, as Michel told, the pressure is so high (for people working in 3*8h for example) that we'll need to look at it. Maybe get an easy login / logoff experience would also help to adopt shared devices and not create a new kind of setup. I'll follow this topic closely, interested to see what others do or would like to do around this "shared" or "halfly shared" devices.