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[Product Update] Android zero-touch enrollment now supports service accounts

Lizzie's avatar
Google Community Manager
2 years ago

Hello everyone,


We are excited to announce that we are now supporting the use of service accounts with the zero-touch enrollment customer API. This feature allows the zero-touch enrollment customer API to be used with continuously-running automated services, whereas previously it was only suitable for interactive services.


The functionality of the API is not changing, but by accessing it using a service account you will be able to deploy new services, such as:

  • Automatically assign the correct configuration to newly-registered devices
  • Monitor your registered devices for changes, e.g. new or removed devices
  • Automatically change the configuration assigned to a device when an employee switches teams or changes location
  • Automatically unregister a device when it is no longer in use


If you are interested in getting started with using the zero-touch enrollment customer API in this way, please complete this form with details of your service account and your zero-touch customer account.


If you have any questions around this, please do reply in the comments below. 




Updated 2 years ago
Version 4.0
  • Moombas's avatar
    Level 4.1: Jelly Bean
    2 years ago

    Hey Lizzie, 

    thanks for letting us know. 

    Looking forward to investigate into it when we talked / forwarded it to the relevant people internally if there's some kind of interest into it but I'm pretty sure ;).


    Do you know if other changes / extensions are planned?😇

  • jasonbayton's avatar
    Level 4.0: Ice Cream Sandwich
    2 years ago

    I appreciate the tenacity Moombas, but I don't imagine we'll get any additional sneak-peeks into what's coming publicly here, this ZT announcement alone probably needed a goat to be sacrificed to make it out of the partner community 😅

  • Moombas's avatar
    Level 4.1: Jelly Bean
    2 years ago

    I used the 😇 for that reason, so it was totally in mind that there's no big hope for a spoiler^^

  • Lizzie's avatar
    Google Community Manager
    2 years ago

    Glad this is useful Moombas, please do share with anyone else if you think this would be of interest, if you have any question please share them here and I'll get the responses to them. 😀


    Regarding more updates, one of our aims in the Customer Community is to make it easier to find resources and news that is relevant and accurate to customers, as you can imagine there are lots of moving parts, but we hope to increase this over time. I plan to start a post in our Community Feedback board soon to ask more about what you and other members here would be keen to see more on in the community, so do start having a think about this. 


    jasonbayton, you will be pleased to hear no goats were harmed in the creation of this post! 😆