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[Customer Story] DoorDash

Lizzie's avatar
Google Community Manager
2 years ago

Hello everyone,

We love hearing customer stories. It’s so inspiring to see exactly how Android Enterprise is being used to address real world pain points, bringing to life what different features can actually mean for business.

With that in mind, what happens when you substitute constantly replacing damaged tablets and spending hundreds of hours manually enrolling devices, with a streamlined, scalable enterprise management solution that puts security at the forefront?

Well to name a few things…

  • Total cost of ownership decreases by 60%
  • Device lifespan improves by 50%
  • And 99% of devices deployed the same day (read: IT teams no longer need to go to sleep with a pit in their stomach, knowing the nightmare task of validating, certifying and enrolling multiple, varied SKUs awaits them).

Sounds too good to be true? Well that’s exactly what happened for DoorDash when they partnered with Social Mobile to implement Android Enterprise.

We recently sat down with them to find out exactly how Android Enterprise helped remove the IT headache, so their merchants can spend less time troubleshooting tech, and more time serving their customers. Read about it on our Android Enterprise blog.

Do any of their pain points feel familiar? Have you used Android Enterprise or any of our partners in a similar way? We’d love to hear your before and after stories in the comments below!


*Interested in reading more customer stories, take a look here.

Published 2 years ago
Version 1.0
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