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Getting started with zero-touch

jasonbayton's avatar
Level 4.0: Ice Cream Sandwich
2 years ago
Zero-touch enables simple, out of box enrolment for Android devices. The following resources may help you to get started. 
What is zero-touch enrolment?
Zero-touch enrolment allows IT admins to assign corporate devices to one (or multiple) EMM servers on purchase from a zero-touch reseller. Once assigned, devices will attempt to begin the provisioning and enrolment process as soon as a network connection is established fresh out of the box, no further configuration required.
If you're familiar with Knox Mobile Enrolment (KME), Apple DEP, or Windows AutoPilot, it's a very similar solution. 
Read more about zero-touch: 
What devices support zero-touch?
Today, devices running Android 8.0 or later can support zero-touch optionally, and all devices running 9.0 or later support it by default, including Samsung (🎉).
Can devices purchased from anywhere be used with zero-touch?
No, only devices purchased from authorised resellers are eligible for zero-touch today. Resellers have access to the zero-touch reseller portal and will be able to upload purchased devices. 
A list of current zero-touch resellers can be located here.
Does my EMM support zero-touch enrolment?
You'll be hard-pressed to find any EMM in 2023 that does not support zero-touch enrolment, but if you want to be sure, check out this pre-filtered link to the solutions directory.
I'm having issues with zero-touch
Most commonly when issues arise it is due to - 
  1. Network
  2. Configuration
  3. Incorrect assignment
Network - Zero-touch won't initiate if there's no valid network, be that WiFi or LTE. If the device continues to setup normally without zero-touch initiation, check the network the device is connecting/connected to has access to Google services.
Configuration - Often a configuration is created, but not assigned. Keep in mind unless the configuration is set to default, no newly added devices into the zero-touch portal will receive the configuration. Ensure the device is listed (IMEI/serial) in the portal and a configuration is assigned to it.
Assignment - Sometimes devices are added with an incorrect, or mistyped manufacturer name. If devices show correctly in the portal, with a valid configuration assigned, and the device has network access to Google services, reach out to your reseller to validate the devices have been correctly added to the portal.
Any further questions? Ask the community!
Updated 2 years ago
Version 4.0
  • tomexum's avatar
    Level 1.6: Donut
    15 days ago

    My current client uses KNOX for this functionality today. But Samsung is only 90% of there deployment so I would like to implement ZTE. I have a few questions if you could help me out.

    1. Would it be best to use ZTE for all devices once it is in place? Or use Samsung KNOX where possible and ZTE otherwise? I assume the capabilities are the same - so I am inclined to think moving everything to ZTE would be best - but please advise.
    2. My client buys devices from multiple resellers. I realize we would need to reach out to each of them. But will there be one ZTE portal for this client and the first reseller we contact would set it up - then the second would add to that? Just want to make sure I understand how this will be implemented. I assume once the company's ZTE portal is set up its simple to add integration to their environments [I assume like ABM MDM_server config].
    • jasonbayton's avatar
      Level 4.0: Ice Cream Sandwich
      15 days ago

      For 1 I think that's a mix of preference, and willingness of your reseller/partners to undertake. Resellers won't often onboard devices - even with proof of purchase - into ZT retrospectively, particularly if you didn't buy them from said reseller. It's worth a conversation in any case. Obviously it's easier to manage everything from one pane of glass, but do you want to migrate 90% of the estate to ZT if it's already working fine in KME? I'm not sure I would for the handful of times you'll need to log in and change something (typically).


      For 2 yes for ZT the first reseller would create the customer account. Within the customer account is the customer number you'd provide to the next reseller, and so on. Be sure to approve resellers ahead of attempting registration from the customer account also. And yes, super easy. Here's a guide.

      • tomexum's avatar
        Level 1.6: Donut
        15 days ago

        Awesome. Thanks for the quick reply.

        KNOX works just fine so we can keep that as-is. I will try to get the resellers to retro add any non-Samsung devices to ZT - that's the primary goal here anyways.

        Thanks again.