What I would really like to have is better version control with the ability to lock in on a specific version indefinitely. I work with Fully Managed Android Enterprise devices and the automatic updates of system components are largely unwelcome. The Freeze option is nice start but ultimately we would much rather have more comprehensive control and the ability to stay on a consistent version longer, possibly only upgrading once a year or less frequently. System component upgrades like the updates to the System WebView have been very disruptive historically given their potential to negatively impact the functionality of line of business applications that are hybrid web apps dependent on the System WebView. It is incredibly frustrating that it is not possible to implement true version control over critical system apps. Our desire is not to always be updating to the latest because stability and consistency is more important to most of my end customer environment than being on the latest version all of the time.
Within my management use case, there is much less of a focus on end user security. These are line of business fully managed devices that are not personally enabled at all. To protect the company that owns these devices and needs these for their mission critical operations we need to be able to stop system updates indefinitely so we can lock in a version for an extended period of time and only upgrade those components on our terms. Google seems to continue to ignore this management use case by implementing consumer protection features like automatic updates that negatively impact the stability of fully managed devices. In the words of one of the larger customers I support "Sometimes I don't know if we own these devices, or Google does".