Forum Posts

Welcome to the Admin discussion board!

Hello everyone, Welcome! If you are business admin or IT owner (or equivalent) and you are starting out with your research on managing devices/apps for your organization; or perhaps you are currently going through set-up and have questions this is th...

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Lizzie by Google Community Manager
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Reseller needs Customer ID for zero-touch enrollment

Hello everyone,we want to register with our reseller for zero touch enrollment.I gave them Costumer ID from our organization. I found it in the organization workspace account and in told me thats the wrong number, but they did not...

pelmer by Level 1.5: Cupcake
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VM not wanted

Yeah I was put on this workspace without my knowledge and I was wondering if you could take me off from it

3lgoog by Level 1.5: Cupcake
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Resolved! Account for ZeroTouch Enrollment

Hi everybody , i am looking to link my Account to ZeroTouchEnrollment but when i try to link it i got the message : Be sur to own an account for zero contact or use another account. How do i get this kind of account? Im sorry , im beginning in ZeroTo...

Gtremblay by Level 1.5: Cupcake
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Change organisation name

Hi everyone,Our company recently changed its name.Are we able to somehow change the organisation's name which is connected to the organisation ID?

SB by Level 1.5: Cupcake
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Using Android Enterprise register how to

Hello everyone, I`m from the Netherlands and we are new with Android Enterprise.We want to use Android Enterprise (we using now Samsung Knox with EMM Microsoft Intune).How we can join Android Enterprise?Do we register for every customer a Google Ente...

Auto factory-reset AMAPI issue

We are facing auto hard reset issue on multiple Android manufacturer like oneplus xiomi samsung redmi oppo vivo. We are android gold partner and managing more than 7lakh plus devices via zero touch enrollment and tried contacting enterprise support b...

Resolved! Hacket developer data base

Hi plz help me my divace Data based and application change cloner and I cannot deleted our stopped my data is spy by from work Android I not programmer I not what happen I so hard understand language English because I Persian language plz help me my ...