Forum Discussion
Celebrating 1 year of the Customer Community
Hello everyone,
It's hard to believe it's been a year since we launched this amazing community! In that short time, you've all come together to share knowledge, solve problems, and help each other navigate the world of using Android for work.
Here are a few personal highlights:
- Our community has grown to over 3500 registered members and youโve marked over 140 topics as having an accepted solution! ๐
- Introduced a new service announcement board, to help you better monitor potentially business critical issues - a huge thank you to all of you who have reported and tested fixes.
- Your feedback is making an impact, one great example of this is based on your experiences in the community this best practices article was created to help other customers in future. So keep it coming!
- Youโve shared some fantastic tips and experiences on a range of topics; such as what to consider when choosing your EMM and not forgetting two community created guides (here & here).
- We also got to know each other a bit more - who knew our community is made up of fans of hiking, cycling, snowboarding, cruises, gaming, music, diving, board games and music! We've also reminisced over what our first mobile phone was.
Iโd like to say a special thank you to our Community Product Experts and most active contributors this year who have supported so many people here in the community, sharing their advice, tips, knowledge and insight - Moombas, jasonbayton, jeremy and Alex_Muc, mattdermody, jarmo_akkanen, Timmy ๐
We're so grateful everyone for your contributions and for making the community what it is. We hope you have enjoyed being part of the community this year and look forward to building the community further together in this year ahead. We want to make this an amazing resource for everyone using Android for work and we can't do it without you.
To celebrate, weโd love to hear from you, weโve put together this light hearted community bingo card (thanks Rose for your creative skills here ๐). Tick off the actions youโve completed and let us know how you scored below.
In the middle, youโll see a square to share your feedback and ideas, what youโve liked about the community this year, what you would like to see more of, in the replies below.
A massive thank you again from all of the AE Customer Community Team.
๐ Register in the community
๐ Introduce yourself
๐ Accept a solution
- ReeceKFormer Community Manager9 months ago
How time flies! ๐ Your incredible efforts and achievements have fueled the amazing growth and success of our community.
As Lizzie mentioned, we've hit some amazing milestones this year, thanks again to our incredible Community Product Experts and active contributors. Your dedication and support are what make this community thrive.
Enjoy the bingo! ๐
- jasonbaytonLevel 4.0: Ice Cream Sandwich9 months ago
House! ๐
It's a great community. That 140 would be a lot more if we were able to mark answers though, as many go dark with no further engagement!
The service page is the highlight. Finally bringing some customer transparency to issues vendors don't communicate is ๐ฅ
- MoombasLevel 4.1: Jelly Bean9 months ago
House as well (i think ๐ค) ๐
Didn't notice its already one year since it changed, time is running fast.
- MoombasLevel 4.1: Jelly Bean9 months ago
For sure i know that as it's still the same reason why I'm here ๐คฃ
It's for trying to get a closer contact to Google (regarding Enterprise Support) as it's still hard to (or even nearly not existing) to be able to raise (as a "verified" (thru zero-touch usage) company) a ticket or so and get help from Google internal product professionals (nothing against any CM ๐, you are doing great).
Just as an example my issue regarding Google docs seem still ongoing and getting more and more obsolete because of the switch to another app.
- MADY56Level 2.0: Eclair8 months ago
Hi everyone, ๐
I'm new to the community, but this post makes me excited to be here!
The sense of collaboration and the achievements you've highlighted are impressive. A big thank you to the Community Product Experts and everyone who contributes their knowledge!
I'm particularly interested in Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM). Is there a good place for beginners to start in the community?
Looking forward to learning more and being part of this great community!
- ReeceKFormer Community Manager8 months ago
Thank you for the message and warm welcome!
It's great to see your interest in the world of Android Enterprise. There's a lot to explore, and a perfect starting point would be our FAQ page. It's designed to be beginner-friendly, making it easy for new community members like yourself to grasp the basics of Android Enterprise. Our tips and guides section is also valuable, offering insights into the latest customer case studies and showcasing how Android Enterprise has benefited users worldwide.
Feel free to browse the latest questions in the community and contribute or ask questions as you wish. If you need support and aren't comfortable sharing publicly yet, you can reach out to me directly for help with formulating a question or finding an answer.
We're glad to have you here.
- pabloadrian1985Level 1.5: Cupcake7 months ago
Enjoy ๐
- ZainLevel 1.5: Cupcake7 months ago
Wow, itโs amazing to see how far the community has come in just a year! The growth to over 3500 members and so many accepted solutions is truly impressive. Big thanks to everyone whoโs contributed and shared their knowledge. Iโve personally learned a lot, especially from the best practices articles and community-created guides.
Also, it's great to see how diverse the interests are hereโhiking, snowboarding, gaming, and more! Looking forward to seeing what this year brings and continuing to learn from everyone.
By the way, if anyone is into supervive characters, check out this cool guide: Supervive Characters and Their Abilities. Here's to another fantastic year ahead! ๐
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