Do you carry more than one device with you? and why?

Former Community Manager

Here's a fun fact about me: during my time at a previous job, I used to carry three phones in my pocket. One for work, one for personal, and the third was my shiny gadget that I used to showcase to clients across the UK. 


Back then, the whole idea of consolidating everything onto a single phone hadn't even crossed my mind. Today, depending on your company requirements there are plenty of options that allow for your personal and work applications to be on one device. 


So my question is, do you carry more than one device? If so, why? Leave a comment below.





Former Community Manager

Hey @Moombas 


It seems like you've struck a great balance between work-related and personal usage of your device. Could you refresh my memory on which phone you're currently using? I'm always intrigued. 😁

Level 4.1: Jelly Bean

I use a Samsung A34 Enterprise Edition (longer warranty and longer getting OS updates) since some months now. I was forced to switch (used Honor 8 before) because one of my banking apps complained about the very old OS (A8). But as I try to stay with the devices as long as possible this happens from time to time. 

Never got a phone broken yet even they all were ar least ~5 years old or more when exchanged XD So i had only 5 models yet during my live^^ Not sure if the choice was always good or if it's also the handling of them and always comparing price with usage needs. None of them was highend (no need for that).

Level 4.1: Jelly Bean

No, no reason to carry more than one phone. 

All relevant collegues know my personal phone number and can call if there's a need for that (i think less than 5 times in total yet).

And my work can't be done on a phone (and would be extremely bad because of screensize etc.). Could be different if techniques like Samsung Dex are getting implemented in the Android OS, just to plug the device to a Display and have a good big OS Screen (like Chrome OS, Windows or so).


And in general: My work can wait until I'm back again but then be done instantly and fast 😉 I keep a clear cut between private time and work time.

Level 2.0: Eclair

I have used corporate owned phone since 2004 and 2010 we started to manage them with Sybase Afaria. I remember there was a time around 2008-2010 we had to use RIM Black Berry to get email on your mobile. That was the only time I had BB for the email and Nokia for other purposes 😅

Former Community Manager

2004...It's been quite a while! I bet you've witnessed significant changes in how work and personal data are separated on a single device since then.


Level 2.0: Eclair

I'm using only one device. I don't see any reason to have a second phone. Personal stuff separated easily from work data and MDM policies will keep device (OS and security path) up to date all the time 🙂 

Former Community Manager

Hey @jarmo_akkanen 


Sounds like we have a similar set up. Has there ever been a time where you have had to carry more than one device?. If so, how many at one time did you have? 😊