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[Product Update] Dynamic duo: improved dual-SIM support in Android zero-touch

Rose's avatar
Google Team
2 years ago

Note: this article has been updated on 03.04.2024 to reflect improvements to the process of provisioning dual-SIM devices via zero-touch. Please see the below steps for best practice. 


As individual tools, both zero-touch enrollment and dual-SIM devices offer a wealth of business benefits. But until recently, the two IMEI numbers - one for each SIM card - in a dual-SIM device meant integrating dual-SIM with zero-touch was unreliable and dependent on SIM configuration.


The good news: we’ve enhanced dual-SIM support in zero-touch, improving the reliability of dual-SIM enrollment, and simplifying management.


What does this mean? 


This improved integration addresses the known issues some users have previously experienced when provisioning dual-SIM devices with zero-touch. 


It means dual-SIM devices don’t need to be registered as two separate devices to be reliably managed. It also minimises the risk of devices being missed during provisioning and getting stuck in a reset loop, or randomly undergoing factory reset. 


There is no action required to activate this fix, and you’ll only be visibly impacted if you’ve experienced the issues above. Otherwise, we’d recommend you continue to follow the steps below as best practice.  


Here's how it works:

  1. Lead with the lowest IMEI:

For zero-touch to recognise and configure dual-SIM devices, the device initially needs to be registered with the numerically lowest IMEI. For example, if the two IMEI numbers are 000000000000001 and 000000000000002, you would register the first. 

  1. Zero-touch to go:

Upon boot up zero-touch will detect the device and provision it, applying your preconfigured settings and apps. Cue smooth sailing.


Tips for a smooth two-step

  • Be aware: If your device is preinstalled with a version of Google Play Services prior to 24.07.12, after setup zero-touch will detect the device, register its serial number, and prompt a factory reset. The next time you set up your device, it will be provisioned through zero-touch. 
  • Communicate with your reseller: Make sure they understand the importance of registering with the lowest IMEI for dual-SIM devices. 
  • Test, test, test:  When integrating dual-SIM devices with zero-touch, begin with a test batch to identify and troubleshoot any hiccups. You may also wish to check this documentation for any known issues.
  • Documentation is key: Clearly document the specific steps for dual-SIM zero-touch deployment so users know what to expect when setting up.


For more details including prerequisites, configurations and a getting started guide, check out this zero-touch enrollment for IT admins article.


Now, it's your turn to share your thoughts. Do you currently use a dual-SIM device? If so, how do you use it? Was it provisioned through zero-touch? 




Updated 12 months ago
Version 10.0