Google Community Manager
Google Community Manager

*[Updated 17th, September 2024 -enhancements are now live]


Hello everyone,


We're excited to let you know about some upcoming enhancements to the Zero-touch enrollment process that will give resellers greater flexibility over device registration.


Key Improvement: Multi-Identifier Registration

Soon, your reseller will be able to register a device using multiple identifiers:

  • Serial number, manufacturer, and model combination
  • Up to two hardware IDs of the same type (either MEID or IMEI)

This change will bring several benefits:

  • Improved provisioning reliability by reducing the risk of registration failures due to identifier mismatches.
  • Enhanced inventory management with the ability to track devices using multiple identifiers.


Important Note: These changes will be reflected on the zero-touch customer API.


Timeline and Next Steps


These change are now live. Please contact your reseller to discuss this further.


We hope these improvements will greatly enhance your experience with Zero-touch enrollment. As always, we'd love to hear your feedback. If you have any questions about this announcement please comment below. 


Thank you.

Level 4.0: Ice Cream Sandwich

Brilliant news! 

Level 2.2: Froyo

Awesome update, thanks!

Google Community Manager
Google Community Manager

Fantastic to see you are excited about this update. Thanks @Michel and @jasonbayton 🎉

Level 2.0: Eclair

Looking forward to the changes. But as a customer will you able to move devices between zero touch accounts you manage?

Google Community Manager
Google Community Manager

Great to hear you are looking forward to this @Rakib


Regarding moving devices between Zero-touch accounts, if you are wanting to move this to an entirely different customer account, currently you will need to de-register the devices and ask you reseller to re-register them to the other account. You would need to factory reset the devices as they won't automatically do this. If I've misunderstood your question here, though just let me know. 😀


Is this something that you need to do fairly often? It would be great to hear more about your use case? 

Level 2.0: Eclair

Hi @Lizzie,


Thanks for getting back to me. We do administer around 30+ zero touch accounts, and want to see if there is possibility to move devices from a customer to another without going to our reseller. They are each own business enitities but work together and want to move devices around, to extend the devices longevity.


Level 2.2: Froyo

@Rakib , are you working with some sort of holding or umbrella organisation? If so, why not create just one tenant for that holding or organisation and add profiles for each individual company part of that larger umbrella organisation? 



Level 2.0: Eclair

Yes, I am but each organization buys their own devices and handle them self, and know what they are going use their use, so they log in their Knox mobile enrollment and ABM and assign profiles. We manage the MDM profiles for them and have the overall resposibility for all the profiles.

Level 1.6: Donut

Hi @Lizzie 
Do you know when this improvement will be live ?

Google Community Manager
Google Community Manager

Hello @mistermatt87,


Great to hear from you, I hope you are doing well. Thanks for checking on this. I spoke with the Zero-touch team today and we are on track for this to be live in September. I don't have an exact date yet, but it shouldn't be too long. As soon as I have more information I will let you know. 


Thanks again and speak soon.

