Forum Discussion

mhung's avatar
Level 1.6: Donut
12 months ago

Add an existing user to the organization to allow internal testing

I am hosting a company app on the Play store, and have it restricted to be accessible to only members of the organization. I have uploaded a version of my app to the internal testing track, and added my company email to the list of testers.


However, I cannot access the internal testing track because my company email is not a part of the organization. Is there a way for me to add the email address to be able to access this version of my app?

  • jasonbayton's avatar
    Level 4.0: Ice Cream Sandwich
    12 months ago

    Hi there,


    Does your EMM support app tracks within the application settings of the policy? If so using this would be the easiest way.


    I'm not sure if you're saying the app is public with limited access to the track, or set as a private app only to your organisation, my answer above is for the latter. Could you offer more detail?

  • mhung's avatar
    Level 1.6: Donut
    12 months ago



    Unfortuently we took a homegrown approach with EMM, which means we used Android Management API to set up an enterprise, make enrollment tokens, and registered our devices to it. We don't really have an EMM support app and are making all of our changes through the API.


    The app is private, only visible to members of the organization. In addition to this, I've uploaded it to the Internal Testing track, which is invite only. I believe this makes it invite only to the organization members I pick, correct?


    Let me know if you have any questions to help clarify the situation.

  • jasonbayton's avatar
    Level 4.0: Ice Cream Sandwich
    12 months ago

    If you're rolling your own AMAPI, you can do an applications.get on the package name and the trackIDs should be returned in with the results for you to then set within the app configuration in policy. 

    • mhung's avatar
      Level 1.6: Donut
      12 months ago

      I have already added the track id for the internal test track to the policy the device is registered under. I have also disabled all testing lists for the internal track, so passing the testing link should be the way to install the internal track version of the app.


      Maybe this is becoming a question for the play store?