Forum Discussion
[Day 4] Community festival : Introduction to a mobile only strategy in a large company
Thanks for sharing this! More and more customers are thinking about a mobile only, of one device strategy where Samsung DeX plays a key role. For me it feels the most stable platform and the best match for corporate use.
I'm currently in a pilot with 2 customers who want to make the switch to DeX for their employees.
More and more companies understand how desktop mode is valuable to engage a mobile only Journey.
Firstline workers is in general the first user profile : operators on production, salers on retail, and Policemen. Indeed , by using their smartphone with External screen + keyboard in their véhicule, they don't need to go back to their office for typing their reports.
Smartphones are more and more powerfull, I don't see any limit to start the move.
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- 4 months ago