Forum Discussion
EDLA 체결에 따른 사용 권한이나 받을 수 있는 서비스 등과 관련한 공식 안내 문서 어디서 확인할 수 있나요?
회사가 EDLA를 체결을 하였는데, GMS 사용을 정식으로 할 수 있다는 것은 알고 있습니다.
혹시 이와 관련한 문서를 확인 할 수 있는 곳이나 받아볼 수 있는 방법을 없을까요? 거래처에서 EDLA 를 하면 무엇이 좋고 안받았을 경우엔 어떤 문제가 있는지에 대한 공식적인 문서를 받고 싶다는데, 어떤 자료를 제공하면 될지 난감합니다.
- MoombasLevel 4.1: Jelly Bean10 months ago
Hi Nexwin,
please write in english to ensure we understand your request. I used a translater for this now, so please correct it if wrong:
Where can I find official guidance documents regarding my rights under the EDLA and the services I can receive?
My company has signed an EDLA, and I know that we can officially use GMS.
I'd like to get some official documentation on what it means to have an EDLA and what the issues are if we don't, but I'm not sure where to look or how to get it.
- ReeceKFormer Community Manager10 months ago
Hey 넥스윈
Hope you are well?
Thank you for your message. I have translated your post in English below:
Title: Where can I find official guidance documents regarding usage rights and services that can be received according to the EDLA agreement
I know that the company has signed an EDLA and can officially use GMS.
Is there a place where I can check or receive documents related to this? My business partner wants an official document on what is good about signing an EDLA and what are the problems if I don't, but I'm at a loss as to what kind of materials I should provide.
- jasonbaytonLevel 4.0: Ice Cream Sandwich10 months ago
Hi 넥스윈
EDLA documentation sits within GMS restricted documentation, and can be accessed through any approved partner account.
I've written some guidance on EDLA which may or may not be helpful