Forum Discussion

Lizzie's avatar
Google Community Manager
2 years ago

[FIXED] Service Announcement: Available work apps missing in Managed Play Store on device

Updated 12th October, 2023


Current status: Fix implemented


Issue description: We've received multiple reports that some approved apps are not displayed in the Managed Play store on devices.


Latest update:

Hello everyone,


Thank you for your patience and for your help to identify the problem. I've been informed by our Engineering Team that a fix has been implemented and those apps not displaying should now be visible. If you experienced this issue, please can I ask you to check if this has been resolved on your side? 


Massive thanks,


Android Enterprise Customer Community Team


Previous update:

Read more

Current status: Under investigation

We've received multiple reports that
 some approved apps are not displayed in the Managed Play store on devices.


Our Engineering Team is aware of the issue and actively working on a fix to address this. Unfortunately, they don't have an estimated time for when the issue will be resolved. We will continue to monitor this.


Please comment on this post or if you are a Partner please create a support ticket via the Partner Portal, if you have similar reports or have any questions/feedback.


Thank you for your patience on this.


Android Enterprise Customer Community Team

(Big thanks to matsm and TomMuc for reporting this in the community)


  • Lizzie's avatar
    8 months ago

    Hello everyone,


    Just closing this thread now as this has been resolved and I want to prevent any potential confusion. If you are experiencing something similar, please explore the rest of the community to see if this is already been mentioned or please do create a new post here in the community. 


    Thanks so much,


  • Gunot's avatar
    Level 1.5: Cupcake
    2 years ago

    Hi Lizzie, 

    When the clear the Play store cache on a device then the Managed Play store updates on the device but you have to clear the cache every time  there is a change in the Managed Play store.


  • BITOIT's avatar
    Level 1.5: Cupcake
    2 years ago

    Hi, we are still facing this issue. After a stall with Intune, we tried switching over to Android devices first. Apps approved in the Play Store for Work don't appear. The last app appearing in the Work profile is an app bought in 04/2023, every app after that date is not showing up (the first is 07/2023).


    We checked the sync of Intune, which runs without issues, pushing apps as required apps also works, they show up on the devices, but is only a solution for our fully managed devices, as we can configure them with user groups.


    When it comes to the COPE or BYOD model, we can't use them, which ultimately forces us to buy them iPhones/iPads, which work.

    Is there any channel to contact, as MS can't see any connectivity issues and also adds those apps without problems and approving inside Intune also works like it used to.




    • matsm's avatar
      Level 2.0: Eclair
      2 years ago


      I have an ongoing support case with Microsoft and have had so for the past 5-6 months regarding this issue.

      Latest update I got was this week where they called to let me once again they are still working together with Google Engineers to resolve this issue. 

      So you have a Key Account Manager in Microsoft you could escalate the issue to if the support system keeps dismissing it?




      • Lizzie's avatar
        Google Community Manager
        2 years ago

        Thanks BITOIT and matsm for your replies here, I am sorry you are still experiencing this with your apps. 


        Patrick, as Mats mentions, if you haven't already could you please report this via Microsoft Intune as they are working with our team to gather more details. It's also good to explore if this is the same issue. 


        Our engineers are working on this and continue to investigate this issue. I am continuing to monitor and push for updates, and if you could keep me posted on your side too that would be fantastic. 


        Thanks so much,




  • EdShostya's avatar
    Level 1.5: Cupcake
    2 years ago

    We also experiencing similar issue on our Intune MDM devices. We have case open with Microsoft since August but so far no improvement.  

  • matsm's avatar
    Level 2.0: Eclair
    2 years ago

    Received the following update from Microsoft today:
    Finally, some positive news from google, it would seem that they have identified the problem and planning the fix for the same.
    Fix is due to rolled out either by 2nd or 3 week or march



    Hopefully this is correct and the issue is resolved. I will test this out on a few devices when the fix is implemented

    • Lizzie's avatar
      Google Community Manager
      2 years ago

      So great to see your update here matsm. Thank you for sharing. I've also seen some movement on the ticket on our side, so I've got my fingers and toes crossed the fix will be in place soon. ğŸ˜€


      Thank you again for your patience on this one. 




      P.S - I hope you are having a good start to the year, I can't quite believe it's March already!! 

      • matsm's avatar
        Level 2.0: Eclair
        11 months ago

        Got another e-mail from Microsoft support today stating that the issues should have been resolved in Play Store v40.3.X
        I've tested on a newly wiped device that is running Play Store v40.3.28-29
        But I'm still not seeing apps. Can't see anything in the Play Store update logs regarding this issue being fixed either


  • timstr's avatar
    Level 1.6: Donut
    11 months ago

    Hi Lizzie and  matsm ,


    Any updates on this issue, either way from Microsoft or Google? Noticing the same behaviour on devices with at least Play Store v. 40.5.30.x

    • matsm's avatar
      Level 2.0: Eclair
      11 months ago

      Microsoft told me it was fixed in both 40.3+ and 40.4+
      But I'm now running 40.6.31 and still have the same problem

      • Lizzie's avatar
        Google Community Manager
        11 months ago

        Thanks matsm and timstr for continuing to provide feedback on this. I hoped the latest update would have helped you both here. I've fed this back to our engineers. I'll also ask them if there is anything else you could provide to help with this. 


        Speak to you soon.


        Thanks again,


  • Lizzie's avatar
    Google Community Manager
    8 months ago

    Hello everyone,


    Just closing this thread now as this has been resolved and I want to prevent any potential confusion. If you are experiencing something similar, please explore the rest of the community to see if this is already been mentioned or please do create a new post here in the community. 


    Thanks so much,
