Forum Discussion

Binal's avatar
Level 1.5: Cupcake
12 months ago

How can we prevent re-render of previous screen when navigating back from B screen to A in Jetpack Compose?


Example: Home Screen Or Detail Screen

When Clicking on some Items it will move to the Detail screen when going back to the Home screen. home screen re-render. How we can prevent.


  • ReeceK's avatar
    Former Community Manager
    11 months ago

    Hi Binal 


    Hope you are well? ðŸ˜Š


    Just to let you know, I'm looking into your question because I'm not quite sure how to answer it. I'll make sure to shoot you a message here once I've figured it out. 😊


    Thanks for your patience, 


    • ReeceK's avatar
      Former Community Manager
      11 months ago

      Hey Binal,


      You might find it worthwhile to explore our Android for Developers Page. I looked up 'Jetpack Compose,' and there are some useful results available. If you can't find anything directly related to your questions, feel free to let me know. 
