Forum Discussion
How to Use Managed Google Play Apps with Intune on a unmanaged Android device ?.
Hi, Greetings to all.
Have you tried the possibility of displaying and installing the Managed google play work apps(Public apps, iframe LOB APPS, iframe Weblink) for an UN-MANAGED Device in an Intune Comp portal situation ?. If so please share your experience and success rate for an LOB Apps workflow.
Regards, Govi
- jasonbaytonLevel 4.0: Ice Cream Sandwich2 years ago
I'm going to be honest, I've not seen a MAM use case the way you're describing.
Michael any thoughts?
- goviLevel 2.0: Eclair2 years ago
Hi Jason, thanks for your response. I can understand that "Managed Google account" is mandatory to access the Managed google play. I read this interesting topic in this forum Use Managed Google Play with Intune on a unmanaged Android device – Cloud First ( Hence trying to clarify with expert opinion.
- MoombasLevel 4.1: Jelly Bean2 years ago
But why don't you just use a work profile (don't mix up with fully managed!) on the private device?
- stojanovicm445Level 1.5: Cupcake2 years ago
Install win 10,11,12 launcher 😁