Forum Discussion
13 days agoLevel 2.0: Eclair
Managed Google Play private app not available on Corporate-owned devices with work profile
Hi community, I'm encountering a strange issue and could use some guidance. A Google developer account released an app to Managed Google Play (so it's automatically private and not available on ...
13 days agoLevel 2.3: Gingerbread
Are the two devices the same device type / device model?
I've seen this kind of behavior in the past when an app is restricted to certain display sizes via manifest.xml. (I am thinking of this) Such apps could be installed manually as apk, but Google Play refused to install them.
I am not aware that an app can be restricted to certain Android management modes via manifest.xml / Managed Play.
A privateApp available for an OrganizationID is generally available to the UEM. The UEM then releases the app for certain GoogleUserIDs/GoogleDeviceIDs in the background, making the apps available on the devices in Managed Play. (at least with the EMM API)
Either the app assignment is not quite right, or the app is not compatible with certain devices.