Forum Discussion
MDM get Customers and Devices Api Access issue
Can you please support for this issue. We have not been able to call the following api: We have executed all the steps mentioned in documents, still getting 403 GET*****/customers { "code" : 403, "errors" : [ { "domain" : "global", "message" : "You are not allowed to retrieve the list of requested permission delegations.", "reason" : "forbidden" } ], "message" : "You are not allowed to retrieve the list of requested permission delegations.", "status" : "PERMISSION_DENIED", "details" : [ { "@type" : "", "code" : "AUTHORIZATION_FAIL", "message" : "AUTHORIZATION_FAIL" } ] } To get the device listing for a customer we have followed below pre-requisites: A Google account, that's a member of your zero-touch enrollment reseller account. Java 1.7 or greater.(21) enable Android Device Provisioning Partner API. create a service account. Set Role to Service Accounts > Service Account User. Add key**, then click **Create new key* For **Key type**, select **JSON**. Click Create and the private key downloads to your computer. Move the Service account Json file to your working directory Linked service account to use the service account with your zero-touch enrollment account. Create a Java and Maven project with below dependencies: google-api-client 1.31.1 google-auth-library-oauth2-http 1.30.1 google-oauth-client-jetty 1.34.1 google-api-services-reseller v1-rev20230611-2.0.0 google-api-services-androiddeviceprovisioning v1-rev20220319-1.32.1 Tried to get the customer devices using suggested API: public void listDevicesForCustomer(String PARTNER_ID) { String parentId = "customers/" + PARTNER_ID; // Ensure correct format try { AndroidProvisioningPartner.Customers.Devices.List request = service.customers().devices().list(parentId); // Execute the request ListDevicesResponse response = request.execute(); // Process the response } catch (HttpResponseException e) { if (e.getStatusCode() == 403) { System.out.println("Access forbidden. Check permissions and customer ID."); } e.printStackTrace(); // Handle exception } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); // Handle other exceptions } } Getting 403 GET*344******/devices { "code" : 403, "errors" : [ { "domain" : "global", "message" : "Insufficient Permission", "reason" : "insufficientPermissions" } ], "message" : "Request had insufficient authentication scopes.", "status" : "PERMISSION_DENIED", "details" : [ { "@type" : "", "reason" : "ACCESS_TOKEN_SCOPE_INSUFFICIENT", "domain" : "", "metadata" : { "method" : "", "service" : "" } } ] } at at at at$1.interceptResponse( at at at at at --
- MoombasLevel 4.1: Jelly Bean3 months ago
To be honest, you should realign your post, it's not clearly where code starts or ends, where your own written tests starts/ends and where log entrys starting. I recommend to realign your post so it's easier to read.
- LizzieGoogle Community Manager3 months ago
Hello balpreetsingh,
Great to see you back in the community. This looks like a reseller question, I wonder do you have access to our 'Reseller Portal'? As I would recommend posting it there. Let me know if not.
Thanks so much,
- balpreetsinghLevel 1.6: Donut3 months ago
Hi, I beleive we have the access, but just to be sure, Can you please help me with url for reseller portal community support page.
- LizzieGoogle Community Manager3 months ago
I know we've spoken via DM about this balpreetsingh, but just for any other partner looking for the link to the Partner Portal - here is the link: