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Ama's avatar
New member
23 hours ago

Need help : Supported devices for android enterprise

I am currently using android phone(galaxy note 8, android 9) to enroll company portal.


Before 01/2025, my company was Western Digital, and I could use company portal including bunch of android apps such as outlook. However, my company was separated to Sandisk, and I cannot use company portal after that. 
Is there any opinion why my phone cannot install company portal?

When I try to use Microsoft intune, it always stops at the last stage of setting work profile. It says the device setting should be changed except the information; which device setting I should change to be fit for the company portal. 

Please give me any advice to make me available to use company portal.
Or did android stopped supporting google enterprise old phones just like mine?

  • Alex_Muc's avatar
    Level 2.3: Gingerbread
    20 hours ago

    The last security patch for the Galaxy Note8 (SM-N950?) is from September 2021.
    Enrollment is most likely blocked because the software is simply far too outdated. Many critical security vulnerabilities have been closed since 2021. Therefore, such old software is a clear security risk for company data.