Forum Discussion

bonnewu's avatar
Level 1.5: Cupcake
11 months ago

Push pubsub not sending usage logs location event on lost mode

I am using an Android 12 device, company-owned and is fully managed. My enterprise is configured to receive "USAGE_LOGS" notifications and I enrolled the device with token parameter "allowPersonalUsage" set to "PERSONAL_USAGE_DISALLOWED". Also I enforced location mode with a policy. 

I can see the notification that command went through and device enters alert state as expected. Then, I move device in lost state by clicking "I found this device" and expecting location logs to appear. Nonetheless, no usage logs are coming from my push pubsub.


Before I was using pull pubsub and actually was able to receive usage logs back then. Don't really know if it's related. Originally, I though that the problem is that I couldn't properly subscribe enterprise to receive USAGE LOGS but it seems that's not the case from my previous question. My previous question on Usage logs 

  • jasonbayton's avatar
    Level 4.0: Ice Cream Sandwich
    11 months ago

    First question that comes to mind - are you leaving it in the lost state for at least 5 minutes? Location won't be sent before then.


    And are you seeing any other usage logs from enrolled devices at all?

    • bonnewu's avatar
      Level 1.5: Cupcake
      11 months ago

      Hi, thanks for reply.
      First, yes USAGE LOGS are on and I managed to receive enrollment completion notifications before. And I have been keeping my device in lost state for more than 5 minutes. No lost mode location logs so far.


      I am confused because as I mentioned before I was able to receive lost mode location usage logs before with pull subscription. Recently I tried to switch back and as with push nothing came up. I assume I am missing something in configuration but not sure what exactly.

      • jasonbayton's avatar
        Level 4.0: Ice Cream Sandwich
        11 months ago

        Oh I see, I read the pull/push as usage logs in general but if you're getting some you should be getting all. 


        Presumably no change to the pubsub topics you've configured on the enterprise? And is there any difference in subscription between when it worked (pull) Vs now (push)?