Forum Discussion
managed google play account, disconnect MDM
Hi Walter,
This may depend on the EMM so would be worthwhile raising a ticket there also. If you're able to disconnect your enterprise when you cease use of the product things will continue working and you'll maintain access in the play console against that bind to your private apps.
If the EMM deletes the bind, access is revoked.
Unfortunately it is becoming a recurring issue where Google does not support moving apps between binds, normally solved by reuploading new package names in the new bind, or uploading apps to a developer account not directly linked to a bind, but shared as private apps instead.
Lizzie for vizzie.
Hi Jason,
Thank you for the prompt response.
I have a quick question to ensure my understanding is correct:
"...or uploading apps to a developer account not directly linked to a bind, but shared as private apps instead."
Bind A = old EMM
Bind B = new EMM
We have uploaded several private apps to "Bind A" and shared these apps with "Bind B" to make them available on the other managed Play Store, which works well.
(Sharing process: Console Bind A -> Setup -> Advanced settings -> Managed Google Play -> entered Organisation ID from Bind B)
Our current plan is to create new package IDs and upload them to our Developer Account, then share them again via Advanced settings in Managed Google Play with Bind B.
If I understood you correctly, we can forego creating new package IDs and simply re-upload using the current package IDs? What would be the behavior on the devices? I assume there's no way to avoid uninstalling and reinstalling the apps, correct?
Ultimately, it appears that publishing in-house apps directly through a developer account, rather than using an iFrame in the EMM system, is the best approach. This method seems simpler for transitioning into a system.
Thank you for your time!
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