Forum Discussion

mhfaruk's avatar
Level 2.0: Eclair
8 months ago

Regarding on private app management

I have several queries about private app management through the managed Play Store which are the following-

  • Is there any number limitation of releasing private apps?
  • how many times can I update a private app in a day?
  • how to see how many devices got the updated app after it was published?
  • jasonbayton's avatar
    8 months ago

    Hi there


    No limitation, release what you want. If you choose to share the app with other enterprise there is a limit of 100 organisation IDs for some reason


    Beyond some API rate limiting I'm not sure of any official limit to updating the app per day


    Your EMM will tell you based on device check-ins how many devices are running what version. Internal app analytics are limited Vs full Google play console.


    If 3 is a sticking point, run your own analytics from the app to your own backend infra ðŸ™‚

  • jasonbayton's avatar
    Level 4.0: Ice Cream Sandwich
    8 months ago

    Hi there


    No limitation, release what you want. If you choose to share the app with other enterprise there is a limit of 100 organisation IDs for some reason


    Beyond some API rate limiting I'm not sure of any official limit to updating the app per day


    Your EMM will tell you based on device check-ins how many devices are running what version. Internal app analytics are limited Vs full Google play console.


    If 3 is a sticking point, run your own analytics from the app to your own backend infra ðŸ™‚

    • BenMcc's avatar
      Level 2.0: Eclair
      8 months ago



      Just to add a confirmation to Jason answer - there isn't a limit on the number of updates you can make to an app however there is a limit on the number of new apps you can upload and that is 15 in a 24 hour period.

