Forum Discussion
Community soft launch: feedback
With all communities and products the period just after it's goes live is a great time to catch any initial feedback including suggestions, bugs, not exactly smart UI...
I've created this dedicated post to make it easier for you to reply and share anything you spot. If you want to have more of a focused conversation perhaps on a suggestion, feel free to start a new conversation in this area too.
Looking forward to hearing your thoughts and potential bugs 🙂
Thank you,
- jasonbaytonLevel 4.0: Ice Cream Sandwich2 years ago
Session changes haven't made any positive impact for me. Every time I visit the site I'm logged out. It reauths quick at least but it's always an extra two clicks to engage.
Also, it hides older replies behind a "load older replies" which seems unnecessary. It makes scrolling back through older replies clunky
- jasonbaytonLevel 4.0: Ice Cream Sandwich2 years ago
As of today there's disparity between the WYSIWYG editor and the posted reply relating to line breaks. If I hit enter in the editor it creates a new line directly below, but in the resulting post it's a new paragraph. I've had to edit a couple posts to fix that formatting.
Previously it reflected the new paragraph in the editor with a consistent space, and I knew if I wanted to just do a line break I could shift+enter to do so, which is normal in other editors too. Now it's inconsistent
- LizzieGoogle Community Manager2 years ago
aw, I was just about to post on here about this jasonbayton, so great timing. This is a confirmed bug and we are just testing a fix for it. So I'm hoping we should have this live over the next couple of days.
Thanks for spotting this.
- LizzieGoogle Community Manager2 years ago
Hey jasonbayton Moombas, just to update you we were able to push a fix for the text formatting this morning. I hope this feel a bit better for you, if you can please let me know how you find it.
Thanks so much and I hope you had a nice weekend! 😀
- jarmo_akkanenLevel 2.0: Eclair2 years ago
I would like to see option to change the email address for the Customer Community account.
I mean people might want to create a account with company e-mail (since this is enterprise community) and then leave/change the company. Email address is gone and you need to establish a new account in Customer Community. Not very handy... you will lose access to all your previous postings etc..
What I’m saying your account should remain even you change email tied to it.
- LizzieGoogle Community Manager2 years ago
Hey jarmo_akkanen, I hope you are doing well.
Thanks for highlighting this, yes this isn't something that is currently possible, although I totally understand your reasoning here. I'm currently looking into the options for this, as everything is linked via SSO. Leave it with me and I'll get back to you. 😀
Thanks again,
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