Forum Discussion

jasonbayton's avatar
Level 4.0: Ice Cream Sandwich
2 years ago

Create your community signature

Hi there, community!

With this new platform comes the ability to add a reasonable, tasteful signature. If you'd like one like mine, it's pretty easy to do! 

Head on over to your personal info within your profile. 
Scroll down to signature, and have at it!

Plaintext signature
If you're satisfied with a plain text signature like that of Lizzie, simply type away. The signature field will accept a few lines-worth of text before it cuts off. 

HTML signature
Fancy something more interesting? The signature input supports HTML, so you're able to embed images, stylise your text, or really anything else other than set your own CSS styles. Here's an example:

<b>Hello!</b> <!-- this is a bold line of text -->
<br /> <!-- this is a line break -->
<img src="my.logo/logo.png" width="250px" /> <!-- this is an embedded image -->
<br />
<a href="">Check out my blog for more tips!</a> <!-- this is a link! -->

Copying and pasting the above into your signature field should give you a basic HTML signature with an embedded image, and a link to your own website. A bit of Googling for those unfamiliar with HTML will help offer more customisation also.


  • Keep in mind, the maximum height for a signature is 150px. Anything over this and the text or image will be cut off.
  • Styles, like CSS either inline ( <div style="color:blue;"> ) or block ( <style> color: blue; </style> aren't supported
  • If you add your own new lines, the signature field will try to update automatically with them, creating larger spaces between signature lines than necessarily desired. Make sure if you're using the line break <br />, you don't also tap enter to create a new line also. If you do and save, you can go back and remove any extra line breaks.
  • Keep your signature neat, on-topic with the community, and devoid of commercial or unsavoury content less the admins drop the ban-hammer on you.

Enjoy your new signature!

  • 8v060htwyc's avatar
    Level 1.6: Donut
    2 years ago

    Sepertinya bagus memiliki tanda tangan pribadi untuk komunitas saya; akan saya pelajari kode HTML nya dahulu untuk dapat menginput gambar dan lainnya.

    Contoh kode nya sbb;


    • ReeceK's avatar
      Former Community Manager
      2 years ago

      Hey 8v060htwyc,


      Thanks for getting in touch!


      It's great to see your excitement about creating your unique signature. If you want jasonbayton or me to assist you with this, feel free to reply or send a direct message and tell us where you need some help. We would be more than happy to support.


