Can I allow display over other app and battery optimization permission using amapi?

Level 1.5: Cupcake

One of my client's requirements is to forcefully allow the following two of these permissions. Is there any policy in Android management API to do that?

I  appreciate any help you can provide.


Level 4.0: Ice Cream Sandwich

Hi @mhfaruk 


I'm afraid these are what's known as Special Permissions and aren't possible to be set through policy with AMAPI. They will need to be requested through the application needing them on launch, and the end-user will have to enable them.


There are exceptions, for example Samsung devices have an API for battery optimisation through their OEMConfig application, Knox Service Plugin. Other OEMs do also, so depending on what you're using, you may be able to find a custom API that way. 


Another alternative would be to work with the OEM directly if the application in scope is something you've developed yourself. The OEM would be able to offer permission allowlisting on these specific permissions.


Hope that helps.

Level 2.0: Eclair

I can confirm you can also have these special runtime permissions silently granted to applications on managed Zebra and Honeywell Android devices using OEM specific mechanisms. AMAPI is the baseline lowest common denominator of management features for Android. Many OEMs offer specialized extensions and capabilities beyond that.

Level 2.0: Eclair

In addition to the answers from Jason and Matt on OEMConfig, I would like to address another point.


Battery optimization for example can be switched off by default if the developer writes the permission in the manifest.xml of the app. Samsung does this with its own e-mail app, for example. (Manifest permissions)


<uses-permission name="android.permission.REQUEST_IGNORE_BATTERY_OPTIMIZATIONS"/>


BUT there's a catch. Even if it is technically possible and some developers are apparently allowed to set these permissions, this is generally not permitted for developers. A public app with this permission will not get through the approval process at the Google Play Console. Otherwise, developers would simply set this permission across the board and undermine Android's energy-saving concept.
Even if the chances of success are very low: If these apps are self-developed, private apps (uploaded by the EMM), I would try adding permission to see if the app-approval is denied for Managed Google Play.