Forum Discussion

Schwerdti's avatar
Level 1.6: Donut
8 months ago

Distribute apps with existing package names via Managed Google Play / MDM

Hi, in general, Android Enterprise devices are always getting the latest version of an app that is available via Managed Google Play. But, there are some edge cases like: older version needed (exa...
  • jasonbayton's avatar
    8 months ago

    Hi Schwerdti 


    To start with the question - no there's no way to push an app with a duplicate package name via iFrame as one that's already on the store. The store mandates a unique package name, and won't support a duplicate. You really should work with the vendor to generate a custom package name for an app where this is your desired approach. 


    For Betas, the vendor should offer a dedicated app track to subscribe to from their existing developer account ideally, especially since it's not legacy, but will likely get promoted to production. Microsoft may already have this set up.. and then you can stipulate a track ID within the EMM.


    Your alternative to either is to deploy outside of play, and the EMM you're using would need to support this. Plenty do - SOTI, WS1, some OEM MDMs do for their own devices. Depends on what you're using.