Forum Discussion

Yunchuan's avatar
Level 2.0: Eclair
7 months ago

Google workspace enrolled devices, enable applications in work profile

Hello,   When a device is enrolled with Google workspace, there are 2 applications environment (personal and work), when we restrict access to only work applications menu, how can we enable applica...
  • Michael's avatar
    7 months ago

    Hi Yunchuan,


    Thank you for posting this question. I would like to add an additional perspective that would enable you to continue using Work Profile.


    You can allow apps which are already installed on a device in the personal side, to appear within the Work Profile (Work Apps). You just need to search for, and approve them through Managed Google Play within the Workspace Admin console, and then assign them to the users who need them. This is the same process as allowing any other app which is not yet installed on the device.


    Step by step instructions for adding apps within Workspace can be found here.