How to let user access to Gmail while do not let them use the Google account to access Google play

Level 1.5: Cupcake

Hi everyone,


We are using Google management API and using AE to manage devices, we need to use the Gmail to let user access to their email, however, if we enable user to add their account (use the "modify account enabled API', actually they can also access to a normal Google play store, even we set the play store mode to whitelist, they just need to select their own Google account in the store, then the store mode will be a normal mode


So it seems this is a paradox

1 If I do not let them add their account, they can't access to Google play store in normal mode, but they can't add account to access Gmail either

2 If I let them add their account, they can add account to access Gmail, but also they can access to Google play store in normal mode, which is we don't want this happen


I also see some configuration template in the Gmail when I want to deploy it via policy, but it seems a bit more complicated, is there any way I can find some reference?


Thank you very much 


Level 4.1: Jelly Bean

Hi, i think the general you must seperate this:

1. Add any (Google) account, which should be blocked as you already mentioned. But you may change this to that any account is allowed to be added except google account.
2. Add Exchange account, which is used for GMail.

I'll try to find a link for you but can't promise right now. I can only verify that in our MDM both are seperate configurations so i assume can be setup seperated.