Intune - Android MGP Apps not showing in Company Portal

Level 1.5: Cupcake

We have a number of customers using MAM-only, with App Protection policies for BYOD devices.  Android apps are assigned as "Available with or without enrollment", but are not showing in the Company Portal when the user sign-in.  Because the apps aren't in Company Portal, the App Protection doesn't get applied.


If I assign a web-link app to the users, that does show in Company Portal.


This seems to have only started recently, was working a couple of months ago.


Just wondering if anyone else is seeing this?  


Level 1.5: Cupcake

I logged a ticket with MS for this and they have confirmed it is a known issue.  No app protection for Android in the meantime until there is a fix.

Google Community Manager
Google Community Manager

Hey @sambenenge,


Nice to meet you and thanks for the update. Just to check are you using BYOD with work profile? 




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Level 1.5: Cupcake

No, we're just using MS apps with App Protection for Outlook and Teams access.


Google Community Manager
Google Community Manager

Thanks for confirming @sambenenge. Yes, so based on this, Intune will need to help you with this issue as you are using MAM - so it's good to hear you already have a ticket in with their support. 


I really hope you get this resolved quickly. It would be great to receive an update when you do. 




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