Provisioning QR Generator

Level 4.0: Ice Cream Sandwich

Hi all,


as issues regarding Zero-Touch QR's are popping up very often, i'm thinking about to provide my QR Generator (spezified for Zero-Touch). What i really want to know is, if there's a need for that or how do you think about it?

I'm sure it still covers not all possible (default) options (like usage of certificate for wifi when using EAP) but this should be coverable later (also specific alignment could be possible if needed).

Current state is:

  • PROVISIONING_LOCALE (provide a | seperated list to choose from if you need)
  • PROVISIONING_TIME_ZONE (provide a | seperated list to choose from if you need)
  • PROVISIONING_WIFI_PROXY_BYPASS (QR code didn't work in the past using this, maybe someone has actual experiences with this?)
    • enrollmentId
  • Show a Zebra StageNow Zero-Touch Barcode via Button if provided as picture (430*430px)
  • Add a Intune Expire Date
  • Save/Load all settings in a new ini file
  • Load Settings from a different location (has to be changed in the local ini file)


Would be very nice to read your opinions.


*Title updated


Level 4.0: Ice Cream Sandwich

Mate it's not a zero-touch QR, it's a provisioning QR. You're combining two provisioning methods when you're referencing this which is potentially more confusing for newer admins. 

For the most part the EMMs handle this, so I wouldn't go trying to maintain a central payload on the basis that things change often and Google doesn't inform anyone when they update their docs. 

I maintain a DPC extras resource here, but again this is subject to change as the EMMs can introduce extras at any point, so I rely to some degree on folks in the ecosystem pointing it out when new options appear.

There's certainly benefit to the StageNow and OEM-specific stuff since it's more likely admins will be configuring this themselves though!

Level 4.0: Ice Cream Sandwich

Ok, maybe i really should call it provisioning QR (and can't edit the title anymore 😞 ) but it's the main thing which differentiates this QR from others so that's why i call it Zero-Touch QR but in general you are right.

Google Community Manager
Google Community Manager

No worries, I'll update the title for you @Moombas, let me know if you want it to be something different. 👍

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Level 4.0: Ice Cream Sandwich

Thanks for that @Lizzie