Forum Discussion

RE-RITS-TS's avatar
Level 1.6: Donut
2 years ago

Renaming Managed Google Play Organization


we built our Managed Google Play connector in Intune like three years ago with our company name as organization name.

Meanwhile our company name as slightly changed and since the company name is shown on all corporate-owned android devices lock screen, we have a high interest in changing that to the correct name.

Unfortunately I can not find any way to change that company name. I can only delete that organization. I do not find a way to contact Google directly for that issue, so that is why I ended up here.


So here are the questions:

What exactly happens to our devices, if we disconnect and delete the organization and reconnect to a new organization with correct name? All devices will reset? All apps will be gone?

Are there other ways to configure what is shown on the lockscreen? Maybe it is possible to disable the display of the company name on the lockscreen completely?

Or is there a way to contact Google to change that name for us?


Any help appreciated. ðŸ˜Ž



  • ReeceK's avatar
    Former Community Manager
    2 years ago

    Hey RE-RITS-TS 


    Hope you're doing well and welcome to the community! 


    I noticed a similar question to yours that got a response here.


    Also, I'll look into your question further to make sure we find the right solution. I'll shoot you a message to confirm in the next few days. 


    Cheers, Reece

  • RE-RITS-TS's avatar
    Level 1.6: Donut
    2 years ago

    Hello ReeceK and thank you for your response.

    I did not find that topic you linked above in my research here yesterday, very odd.

    Ok I started a service request with Microsoft Intune Support but my hopes are really low since we do not have good experiences with MS Support regarding Intune to be honest.

    There must be a solution in the end, I do not think we are the first company on earth with that problem 😉



    • ReeceK's avatar
      Former Community Manager
      2 years ago

      Hey RE-RITS-TS 


      Absolutely, it's no trouble at all.


      I've been doing my own research into this and have reached out to a few colleagues to gather additional insights. I'll make sure to follow up on this thread within the next few days to provide you with an update.

      If you happen to receive any updates from your end, would you mind sharing them with the community? It would be fantastic to hear their response.


      Thanks, Reece

      • RE-RITS-TS's avatar
        Level 1.6: Donut
        2 years ago

        I had a chat with Intune Support and the solution is ridiculous:


        "Recommended solution:

        Unenroll/Remove all your existing android devices from Intune and azure portals ( ||

        Then unbind the google connector after that you will be able to rename it."


        I sure hope this is not the only solution. 😞



  • SvenMB's avatar
    Level 1.6: Donut
    5 months ago

    Hi, We are in a pretty same situation with the requirement to change the organization name.

    What is our exact problem? We connected our Intune Tenant with the managed Google play store in 2019. We used a Google Account with a certain organization name, but this organization name never showed up in the "default lockscreen message". It always said "This device belongs to your organization" (in german). Two weeks ago a colleague reported that newly enrolled devices now show up "This device belongs to [company name]" with the earlier mentioned company name. Previously enrolled devices are not affected.

    We urgently need a solution to remove the company name. Stepping back to "your organization" would be nice.


    • Lizzie's avatar
      Google Community Manager
      4 months ago

      Hello SvenMB,


      Nice to meet you. I'm not sure why this changed, it is something I have asked internally to see if it is on our side. Either way, I wondered have you opened a ticket directly with Intune about this, as they have the functionality to be able to update this.


      Hope to speak with you soon. 



      • SvenMB's avatar
        Level 1.6: Donut
        4 months ago

        Hi Lizzie,


        Yes, I´ve opened a ticket with MS immediately on October 25th. The first reaction of a support agent was a few hours later and afterwards..... silence up to now. I inquired on the 31st, no reaction. It´s Ticket # 2410251420001004