Forum Discussion

Abdenour90's avatar
Level 1.5: Cupcake
4 months ago

We can't verify phone number.

I'm from Morocco, trying create a Google play console account  but I  stacked in how Google can contact you phase because I  can't verify my phone number I this error.


“We can’t verify your phone number right now. If this error persists, try verifying by receiving a call instead.” even with call options. And I  get bad request 400. 


  • BenMcc's avatar
    Level 2.0: Eclair
    4 months ago

    Hi, this is an issue that has been around for a while for some people. There has been a recent fix for it but the problem still persists for some. Have you tried the call method? Sometimes that works when the SMS doesn't. 


    If it's for the personal contact number then can you try a different number as that is not public facing. Other things that have worked for some people is waiting a couple of days between tries.



    • Abdenour90's avatar
      Level 1.5: Cupcake
      4 months ago

      We have tried all those suggestions  all solution we found online  it doesn't work.