Forum Discussion

Edward's avatar
Level 1.5: Cupcake
2 years ago

What apps can be kept after enrollment?

Hi everyone


We are using Android Enterprise, and we find out that after enrollment, no matter by scanning the QR code or using ZT, some apps will be removed, even we configured to keep the apps by using this """:true"


So I want to know, why the apps will be removed and what will be remained? Is there a way for me to predict what apps will be remainded? Like some non entertainment app will be kept, while the others are not?



  • Moombas's avatar
    Level 4.1: Jelly Bean
    2 years ago

    I assume the starting and ending " are just for the post here, so you use (otherwise change it and try again): 

    For those apps are missing there must be somthing to re-enable them after enrollment as our MDM provides such a functionality but can't find it currently in the API documentation. (We prefer to set this to keep this on false and enable what we really need).

    • Edward's avatar
      Level 1.5: Cupcake
      2 years ago

      Does your term "re-enable them" mean deploy app via google play policy?

      • Moombas's avatar
        Level 4.1: Jelly Bean
        2 years ago

        No, our MDM provides a script which can re-enable them. (System apps are disabled not uninstalled so they just get enabled again and available without the need to provide them via play store again).



        Allows a system application on the device to be used in the Android Enterprise container.

        Note: Only applications that are included in the device's firmware can be used in this command.
        enable_system_app appBundleID


        To add Google Chrome to the Android Enterprise container:


  • jasonbayton's avatar
    Level 4.0: Ice Cream Sandwich
    2 years ago

    If your policies are set to Allowlist/whitelist for play instead of black/Blocklist, and your EMM is based on AMAPI, you'll see the apps should be present, but AMAPI will still disable them after enrolment.


    If you want it as open as possible, set the app policy for play to block only specified apps. If you want to keep it locked down, find the apps you want to allow on devices and add them as system apps to be enabled. 

    • Edward's avatar
      Level 1.5: Cupcake
      2 years ago

      As far as I know, the play mode will only affect the apps in the play store, whitelist mode means only apps deployed by admin can be accessed, while blacklist mode means the user can access to all apps, will it also affect the original system apps as well during enrollment? I though this play store mode only takes effect after enrollment

      Though I can use the policy to deploy apps, but not all these system apps from the device itself are available on play store, I can't find and deploy it, that is what really troubles me