Google ZTE API -

Level 1.6: Donut

Why am i getting the error "404. That’s an error. The requested URL  "$CustomerId/devices/$Imei" was not found on this server. That’s all we know." Im following the instructions provided here.


Im just trying to search for an imei number in my zero touch portal located here


I was able to retrieve authorization code using and scope=


Then I able to generate access token from authorization code but when attempting to retrieve an imei number using "$CustomerId/devices/$Imei"  customers get method. I get the error stated above. Can someone help!


Google Community Manager
Google Community Manager

Hello @zo1987,


Thanks for your reply. This should be something you as the customer can accept in the Customer Portal for Zero-touch. If you are not seeing the prompt, then I would assume it's already been accepted. Saying this though, I'll message you via direct message (to you community inbox, just click on the little envelope in the top right corner) to get your customer ID and we can double check. 


Speak to you soon.



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Google Community Manager
Google Community Manager

Hello @zo1987


This sounds quite similar to another post we had earlier in the week regarding some error messages with the zero-touch API. If it is the same, we've just released a service announcement on this and the way to fix it. Maybe worth taking a look to see if this helps. If you can it would be great to know if this helps. 


Thank you,



(Massive thanks @jeremy, for helping here)

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Level 1.6: Donut

Hey Lizzie! 


Thank you for this information, are you able to tell with customer ID have actually accepted the terms? Iam able to log into our Zero touch portal however I do not recall seeing a terms prompt. Is this something a reseller has to do? 

Level 3.0: Honeycomb


The API is only available to reseller, you're a reseller correct?

If so you should first create the customer and use the customerID provided to replace it in the URL.


Level 1.6: Donut

Hey Jeremy,

Thank you for the info! Im Not a reseller, is the only way to get approved to be a reseller is only if you sell devices? I was under the impression that you can use the customer api commands if your a customer but I guess that's not the case. Can you help me in getting a reseller account to get my api script going?

Level 3.0: Honeycomb

To use the API you have to either be a Reseller, or an EMM, there is currently no customer facing API for ZTE, what are you trying to achieve?

Level 1.6: Donut

Hey Jeremy, thank you! I currently manage over 5000 devices in MobileIron as are MDM solution. We purchase our devices from CDW and CDW imports our android devices we purchase from them into our Google ZTE portal for us. I have access to access our Google ZTE portal and assign configuration profiles in our Google ZTE portal. I would like to be able to search for an imei number in our google ZTE portal via and api script. It strange because I was able to create API credentials and enable the Android Provisioning API in Google API ( .  Iam able to generate an access token but when i run my script  i get error "404. That’s an error. The requested URL . Also, would I have to submit a reseller account request as a EMM? Hope this provides you with a bit more context on what im trying to accomplish. Thank!