illegal use of Android Enterprise and Google MDM services

Level 1.5: Cupcake

How do I report someone abusing Android Enterprise/Google MDM services. I'm in desperate need of some help! I'm being stalked by my father in-law who is using these services to access and control my devices/accounts. Several times, I have contacted my local police department in attempt to file a report and each time being denied. I have also made a report on, called the FBI twice, went to the State Attorneys office, and contacted Samsung and my phone carrier (T Mobile) numerous times. All without any advice or attempt of offering some sort of resolution. This has and still is seriously affecting my life. I'm have never been so frustrated and felt so helpless in my entire life. I desperately need some advice/help!! 


Level 1.5: Cupcake

Hi, First of ALL, have you been enrolled in The MDM legally? If thats The case, u should know whos The admin and request tô bê removed. If u have been enrolled against your Will, im not sure what to do, and i think i might have The same problem, the First step might bê finding proof of The MDM. Any ideia?