Forum Discussion

jpnonn's avatar
Level 1.5: Cupcake
9 months ago

Pixel 8 USB C to HDMI in order to allow your phone to act like a chromebox

The ultimate Google Apple Killer!
The Google Pixel 8 has USB C port that allows USB to HDMI in the same way my chromebook does.  However it is disabled currently in the android OS.  Here is what I think you should do with it.  I think you should allow the port to be plugged into a monitor or better yet a hub like the one linked below that I currently use for my chromebook.  The great part is I have a phone when I need a phone and if I sit down at a desk I plug it in and It will take all of my open Chrome browsers and send it to my monitors while connecting into my mouse and keyboard.  
Here are the advantages I see for this:
  1. Great phone when you need a phone
  2. Portable chromebox that is also my phone and doesn't require me to carry another device
    1. I realize you have a small portable chromebook but it is a seperate device that is useless unless it is plugged in unlike your phone.
    2. I also realize you have Chrome Flex but the terminals Egan has doesn't support it.
  3. Add to this Cameyo and I will be able to just carry a phone around and plug into any dock we have at our office and work on chrome native apps AND windows apps.  And then can unplug slip it into my pocket and be on my way!
    1. We are a hybrid company and this would allow us to just buy a cheap dock and some monitors for everyone's home and office.  And allow us to fully leverage chrome
  4. Having a chromebox/Phone device is FAR superior to Samsung Dex which just gave you a larger screen for you phone which is silly and not very useful.
  5. Apple doesn't have anything as nice as the ecosystem of chrome and cameyo.  Who would want to buy and Apple phone only device when you can buy a Pixel phone/chromebox and never need to carry a laptop bag and always be able to access more productivity.
Here is the USB-C Dock we buy:
  • Moombas's avatar
    Level 4.1: Jelly Bean
    9 months ago

    Not only Pixel phones does provide such functionality, other manufacturer(s) also provide something similar depending on the model. Example: Samsung does provide Samsung DEX.

    It's not only providing a larger screen and you are mentioning the usage of Cameyo which also can be used on any other device and comes with additional costs.

    This is a very one-sided view of this topic you posted here but i would just take the chance to raise here an integrated system by Android to have this functionality on any Android device available (if the USB-Port supports HDMI) would be definitely a big benefit for several users in companys.


    But one thing you last out: You still need a keyboard and a monitor and maybe also a mouse to fully replace a chromebook/laptop. So you are only flexible if you have this available on your work places as you don't want to carry that with you along everytime 😉

  • Lizzie's avatar
    Google Community Manager
    9 months ago

    Hello jpnonn,


    Great to see your idea shared in the community, thank you for taking the time here. It would be great to hear more about the use cases you feel this feature would benefit. ðŸ˜€


    Thanks Moombas for sharing your thoughts. It would be great to hear from others on this as well, so please do comment below.


    (jeremyjasonbaytonMichelAlex_Muc, thought this might be of interest 😀)