Post reactions, and markdown support

Level 4.0: Ice Cream Sandwich

'ello team, 


Could we look into adopting post reactions, rather than solely "kudos" in line with other forum platforms and chat services? 


Secondly and unrelated, is it possible to enable markdown support for the WYSIWYG post editor please?


Level 4.0: Ice Cream Sandwich

Markdown the formatting language. Makes for easier editing for folks who prefer it. 

I don't see a good outcome for supporting the suppression of comments from folks


On reactions, consider Linkedin, facebook with set values that offer differing reactions to the content, or you could go as far as Google chat, whatsapp, discord, slack, and support custom emoji reactions too. It just adds a bit more depth to non-text response of posts and comments

Google Community Manager
Google Community Manager

Thanks @jasonbayton, yeah I'm actually looking into the Markdown formatting language at the moment to see if we can apply this an option as I agree this could be helpful.  I'll also explore the other reactions options. 


Thanks again for this, keep the ideas coming 🙂

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Google Community Manager
Google Community Manager

Hey @jasonbayton,


I'm so sorry for not coming back to you sooner on this. I actually wanted to clarify your points here, by 'Markdown' are you referring to the Reddit style down vote option or the formatting option? I'm presuming the former, based on your mention of kudos. 


Also, what options would you like to see, alongside kudos?


Thank you. 😀

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Level 4.0: Ice Cream Sandwich

Tagging @Lizzie and @ReeceK since it's been a week 🙂