Forum Discussion

adrianpurcaroiu's avatar
Level 1.6: Donut
30 days ago

Android management API for internal use



I was looking into options for internal use on how to manage enterprise devices and the documentation seems to point to the android management API.


What was not very clear to me:

  1. Is there any pricing model documented for using the API ? As mentioned, it would be for internal use
  2. Does this require to be registered as an EMM provider, even if it would be used internally

Appreciate any inputs, thanks!

    • adrianpurcaroiu's avatar
      Level 1.6: Donut
      29 days ago

      Thanks for the follow up.

      So even for only private internal use, the process is the same as described there, where you need to submit the solution and pass the production validation to join the EMM community, is that correct ?

      • adrianpurcaroiu's avatar
        Level 1.6: Donut
        23 days ago

        Following up on this, the recommended enterprise enrolment is using the Android Management API, it is free of charge but it requires product validation and joining EMM community starting with a given number of devices.