Forum Discussion
Cannot reinstall Webapps after EMM migration
Hi there,
Apologies for the delay!
For webapps, can you confirm devices are being correctly targeted? How have you distributed webapps at the moment?
For private apps, you've three options -
1. Go to advanced options within the iframe > private app that'll take you to the google play console, $25 should not be necessary if you go in via this route (please confirm). Then head to advanced settings, managed google play, and input the new enterprise ID for organisations the app is available for
2. Head to Google Play with a new developer account ($25 necessary) and upload fresh copies with unique package names. Set them private and do the same as 1. This allows you in future to move EMM platforms without this struggle.
3. In the new EMM, upload the private apps again with new package names.
- mma_OCWS2 years agoLevel 1.6: Donut
Hi Jason,
Regarding private applications, we managed to access the Google Play console without paying through "advanced options" via the Google Play iframe on the EMM,
And the customer encounters his installation problem only for web applications and not for private applications but thank for your help.
For web applications : Yes, the devices are correctly targeted because on the device enrolled in EMM "Ivanti Neurons for MDM", the EMM agent (MobileIron Go) has a sub-menu called "apps@work" (which is like the Google Play but for Ivanti) in which we can see all the same applications distributed from the EMM like on the private playstore application.In customer's case, he can see all web applications in apps@work but he don't see it in Google private playstore application
Regarding the installation mode, Web applications are installed in silent installation mode (automatic installation without user intervention).
When you click on one of the web applications via apps@work, an error appears and it is impossible to install it manually.
We have escalated this issue for web applications to MobileIron Support. They told us that it was a known limitation but they did not specify where? (Android Enterprise or EMM)
Do you know for your part, if this is a limitation linked to Google or to the EMM itself?
- jasonbayton2 years agoLevel 4.0: Ice Cream Sandwich
Sounds like an issue on Ivanti's side, but I can't say that with certainty. Lizzie are we aware of any webapp installation issues with migrated devices?
When you open the managed Google Play iFrame, you see your web applications created and looking fine there, yeah? Perhaps create a new one in there and target it fresh to the devices.
- Lizzie2 years agoGoogle Community Manager
Thanks jasonbayton for mentioning me here.
Great to meet you mma_OCWS. I checked internally about what you are experiencing here and in the first instance we would recommend contacting your EMM (Ivanti) and checking this with them, as perhaps the webapps haven't created properly during the migration. Then take it from there.
If you could keep me posted that would be fantastic. I hope you get this sorted.
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