Forum Discussion

vincent's avatar
Level 1.5: Cupcake
4 months ago

[Day 4] Community festival : Introduction to a mobile only strategy in a large company

Hello all,


We are pleased to share with you some insights and achievements of our mobile only strategy. But first, I am really not sure sure you have heard about Thales !




Thales’s mission is to empower customers to face their decisive moments with confidence. Some key figures and core business below :




What is our main idea ?
Android devices are enough mature to start creating a working environment in Mobile Only strategy which means replacing PCs when they are not relevant.
Which leads to:
- Increased end users productivity
- Reduced business and IT costs
- Reduced carbon footprint
- Better attractiveness and digital modernity for end users


What we have achieved since 2021?

The 1st step of this long journey 
- An agile project method focusing on the end user, really
- A configuration designed, built and maintained WITH security officers from day 1.
- An end-to-end solution imagined for the last step.
- A 1st macro use case   frontline workers, focus on logistics and production


Just have a look on this video released in 2022, showing our fisrt production line in with our new digital workplace !



I hope you liked it! 2 years ago already…



What are our next steps ?

- An extension to other use cases.
- A pedagogy for the entire "Android OS" ecosystem: Employees, vendors, customers to foster activities & new stuff
- The pleasure of exchanging with you all.


Vincent Turquet
Yann Roland

  • jasonbayton's avatar
    Level 4.0: Ice Cream Sandwich
    4 months ago

    Thanks for sharing vincent!


    It's naturally been a few years since you began this undertaking, how do the challenges you faced back then compare to now? We've had a few OS releases, many more models.. and even wider adoption of desktop modes (lenovo, moto to name just two (or is that technically one..)) 🙂 

  • turquet's avatar
    Level 1.6: Donut
    3 months ago

    jasonbayton we have noted a notable evolution of Samsung Dex since 2023 with an improved experience and a better interface of the most used applications, either by vendors or by the adaptation of our legacy applications.

    We reach a point where we believe we can reach the next milestone soon.


  • Michel's avatar
    Level 2.3: Gingerbread
    2 months ago

    Thanks for sharing this! More and more customers are thinking about a mobile only, of one device strategy where Samsung DeX plays a key role. For me it feels the most stable platform and the best match for corporate use. 


    I'm currently in a pilot with 2 customers who want to make the switch to DeX for their employees. 

    • Lizzie's avatar
      Google Community Manager
      2 months ago

      Just @ mentioning in vincent and Yann_ROLAND so they see your comment Michel. 🙂

    • turquet's avatar
      Level 1.6: Donut
      2 months ago

      Indeed more and more companies are understanding how valuable is this move.


      Fisrtlineworkers fisrt, such as operators on production or salers in retail. 

      Most concrete use case is around police officers : by using theirs smartphones with a keybord they can perform all reports in their vehicle,  no more need to go back to the office.


      The mobile only movement is launched!

    • turquet's avatar
      Level 1.6: Donut
      2 months ago

      More and more companies understand how desktop mode is valuable to engage a mobile only Journey. 


      Firstline workers is in general the first user profile : operators on production,  salers on retail, and Policemen. Indeed , by using their smartphone with External screen + keyboard in their véhicule, they don't need to go back to their office for typing their reports.


      Smartphones are more and more powerfull,  I don't see any limit to start the move.