Deleting Third party app cache without device owner status - NotE that my app is signed by OEM

Level 1.5: Cupcake



I am building a MDM app for my Company. Our MDM agent app is signed by OEM.


I would like my app to be able to:

- Clear third party app cache

- Create and Update APN settings.

I know I can use android  DevicePolicyManager API to clear third party app cache but we already have thousands of devices sold to our clients. We can't recall them to factory reset so our  app can can have device owner status.


I know other MDM providers managed to do this without Device Ownership(I have used one).


Can anyone please point me into right direction. My APP is signed by OEM, yet it doesn't have some system level privileges like clearing third party app cache and updating APN setting.


Thank you in advance.