Forum Discussion

Figlovsky_K's avatar
Level 1.6: Donut
2 years ago

Gmail "allow_unmanaged_accounts" restriction issue

I'm trying to configure Gmail via managed configuration. I discovered that inside the apk there is a bool restriction "allow_unmanaged_accounts" (Allow Unmanaged Accounts), but it is not mentioned in...
  • ReeceK's avatar
    2 years ago

    Hi Figlovsky_K 


    Hope you are well?. 


    Further to my last post, we have been looking into this issue internally for you. As a result, we have just posted a service announcement which should be able to support with the question you have.  I have attached the service announcement here


    Thank you again for the question, we really appreciate your input. If you do require further support, please feel free to reach out.


