Forum Discussion
Is Google Play Closed tracks for testing only?
jasonbayton Limits for Play console closed testing is limited by the number of testers and lists you can have on the account. You can have 2000 users per list, 50 lists max per track and a max of 200 lists across the account.
Ok so there's a lot of wiggle room there, and I don't see install base counting towards this.. so sharing a track to an org with 10k devices wouldn't be constrained by any of the above because it's one item in the list?
I know there's an arbitrary limit to the number of organisations you can share to via play for some reason, but that's still a lot of runway.
- BenMcc2 months agoLevel 2.0: Eclair
I still think the biggest problem is that there is nothing to stop Play changing the policy for any of this. Test tracks are designed to be just that and so using a test track as a production outlet may cause problems if, for example, they decided next month to limit test tracks to 500 testers! While it may work, longer term it may not be a great idea!
- mattdermody2 months agoLevel 2.2: Froyo
I completely agree. I try to highlight this risk to my end customers that insist on using feature limited AMAPI aligned EMMs like Intune that force us into using Private Closed Test tracks for production application usage on line-of-business devices. Sure we can maybe use this workaround to accommodate the usage of an EMM that can't install APKs directly on devices but this workaround is unofficial and could be cut off unexpectedly. Many people just don't understand these nuances of Android management until they run into an actual issue and realize they're painted into a corner.
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