Forum Discussion

Marek's avatar
Level 1.5: Cupcake
5 months ago

No information about uploaded devices

There is no information about uploaded devices by the reseller.

We purchased devices in couple parts.

It would be great if we could see when, how many and from which reseller the devices were added to zero-touch.

Also it seems that there are few devices missing from the list of devices. Maybe it was intentionally done by one of the admins but it would be great if there was a log of what was done by the admins.

  • Lizzie's avatar
    Google Community Manager
    4 months ago

    Hello Marek,


    This is a great idea. Ideally the reseller would inform you when devices are uploaded, but I can completely see the value in having on the portal. Logging is definitely something that other customers have highlighted, so I'll add your name to the Feature Request on this and I'll keep you posted if there are updates on this. 


    Are there particular things you would like to be captured in the logging? 


    As a side note, I presume you saw the update recently regarding Multiple Identify Registration (more on the reseller side), but wanted to highlight just incase. 


    Thanks so much,


  • Michel's avatar
    Level 2.3: Gingerbread
    4 months ago

    This is a must have if you ask me, i've logged a feature request for this 2 years ago (apparently tomorrow it is exactly two years ago haha) but it hasn't been updated in a while. It isn't closed so that gives me some sort of hope.