Forum Discussion

Maxo2Apps's avatar
Level 1.5: Cupcake
7 months ago

Playstore Account Verification - contact details

Hi community,


We are a multibrand company with one Playstore account for multiple brands and Millions of users. Behind our public phone numbers we have established processes which do not support a method like 2FA. On the other hand we cannot show a manually managed developer phone number with a potential of Millions of customers. Hence I have a couple of questions:

  • Will there be an alternative way to verify the account details apart from 2FA? Apple offers a manual process
  • Can the contact details be changed later?
  • Is it possible to provide different eMails and phone numbers per brand? Or do the given details apply to all brands/apps under one account?
  • Does a preview exist where exactly in the store presence the account info will show up?


Thanks for feedback!


  • BenMcc's avatar
    Level 2.0: Eclair
    7 months ago

    Hi Max,


    Generally there isn't an alternative to verify the number and changing the number will require a reverification.  Options I have seen people use before are verifying when out of hours (and diverting the line to you for that period of time). Informing operators to expect the call and getting them to note the number and email it you you right away.  Support may be able to offer an alternative but last time I asked they were not:


    As for the details they are the one set of details for the account account and will show for everything in that account.


    There is no preview but if you look at the developer page for any app you will see how it is formatted.

